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Leserbilder Astronomie: 10 Days of Nearness

For the last couple of weeks, Venus and Jupiter had stolen the attention of astrophotographers! They were inching close to one another, slowly but surely. I was lucky enough to capture their relative movement for the last 10 days. Another interesting find for me was the ever changing hue of the sky after sunset! They do add a lot to the final image. I used the same set of equipment, Nikon D5600, Sigma 50mm and Benro Rhino Tripod throughout. The aperture was maintained at f/2.8 and ISO was kept 200 for all the images. Shutter speed varied from 1/3 seconds to 1 second, depending on the lighting condition. All the images were taken at a similar time, between 6:10 PM to 6:20 PM IST.

Lens: Sigma 50mm f/1.4 Art
Camera:Nikon D5600
Location: Dhanbad, India
Processing: Photoshop
Date: 21st February to 2nd March 2023

Daten zum Bild

E-Mail soumyadeepmukherjeephotos@gmail.com
ObjektVenus, Jupiter
Zeitpunkt 02.03.2023 18:00 MESZ
KameraNikon D5600
Teleskop/Objektiv Sigma 50 mm
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