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Leserbilder Astronomie: C/2020 F3 (Neowise)

Watch out for the twist in the blue Ion's trail, indication core rotation and the striae stripes in the dust trail sculpted by solar winds. Guiding the Comet’s head definitely brings out more details. I find startrails more honest than pinpoint stars, since guiding is now bound to the comet’s core itself. When you get to the point where you separate stars from comet and core from background, you can do everything in terms of color, contrast and repairs. I let part of the sensor’s imperfection remaining in the image. Obviously, Sony’s sensor has dual readout (left-right) and block wise self-calibration. When those camera-intern corrections are being activated, it is helping normal photography but it also introduces an unpredictable element to normal Dark-Bias-Flat calibration.

Daten zum Bild

ObjektC/2020 F3 (Neowise)
Zeitpunkt 21.07.2020 23:30 MESZ
Teleskop/Objektiv Pentax 75SDHF (3-inch)
Montierung Astro Trac with 3D-printed Polar-Wedge
Belichtungszeit60 x 30 s, ISO 1600
NachbearbeitungPixinsight + Affinity Photo
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