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Leserbilder Astronomie: IC 5146, Cocoon nebula

This last New Moon has been a bit naughty, with constant weather changes, condensation problems on the instruments and even a blackout. In a week of photography I only saved 5 hours of data but I am pleased with the result. IC 5146, the Cocoon nebula, is a subject with a lot of detail, a small cluster surrounded by a pink cocoon-shaped nebula, itself connected to a system of dark nebulae that interpose themselves hiding and drawing shapes in that part of the sky. You can see it very close here, but if you moved a little further away you would see a long arm of dust obscuring the stars from this cocoon.

Daten zum Bild

ObjektIC 5146, Cocoon nebula
Messier-NrN. di M110
OrtAstrobioparco - Felizzano
Zeitpunkt 21.12.2023 11:51
KameraAres 533C
Teleskop/Objektiv Ritchey-Chrétien 10"
Montierung AZ-EQ6
Belichtungszeit53 x 480 sec
NachbearbeitungPixinsight - Photoshop
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