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Leserbilder Astronomie: Komet 68P/Klemola

68P/Klemola or Klemola's Comet is a periodic comet, which belongs to Jupiters comet family. It was discovered in 1965 by American astronomer Arnold Richard Klemola at the Yale-Columbia Southern Station in Argentina. 68P orbital period is 10.82 years.

68P came to opposition on 14 June 2019 and will come to perihelion on November 9, 2019. In this image the comet is in the center of the image at RA 18:06:32 and DEC -12:59:15 Brightness approx Magnitude 13.8

Exposures: 5 x 5 minutes with each R G B filter , using a FLI Proline 16803 CCD-camera on a Takahashy FSQ 106 with 530 mm focal length on a Paramount ME mount.

All images were exposed remotely at the Siding Spring iTelescop Farm at T08. During on September 23rd 20:17:00 July 2019.

Daten zum Bild

E-Mail oldwexi@aon.at
Anschrift 2483 EBREICHSDORF, Mitterfeldzeile 68 AUSTRIA
ObjektKomet 68P Klemola
OrtSiding Springs Australia
Zeitpunkt 23.09.2019 20:17
KameraFLI Proline 16803
Teleskop/Objektiv Takahashi FSQ106
Montierung Paranount ME
Belichtungszeit15 x 5 minutes total 75 Min
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