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Leserbilder Astronomie: Molecular Clouds in Aquarius

There are just a few large scale nebulae in Aquarius.
This one extends about 4 x 4 degrees in front of the background galaxy PGC66679. The area contains also to 3 MBM catalogue objects, the molecular clouds MBM46, 47 and 48
MBM 46-48 are faint molecular clouds located about 375->415 parsec from our solar system. These types of clouds are found at high galactic latitudes (parts of the sky away from the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy) and are often referred to as galactic cirrus clouds or also the "Integrated Flux Nebula". These clouds are very faint and consume a lot of exposure time. All these IFNs were discovered by the IRAS infrared satellite. In 1985, astronomers Magnani, Blitz and Mundy (MBM) surveyed these IFN on the IRAS images and developed their MBM catalog of high galactic latitude molecular clouds. MBM 46-48 are the more distant of these IFN clouds. Also you can find some objects from the PGCC catalog (Planck Catalogue of Galactic Cold Clumps) in this image. These objects are identified in the PGCC annotated image. Because the PGCC detection method is based on the temperature of the sources, which is relatively cold compared to their environment, the low temperatures are a proxy for high column densities and also exclude the possibility of very strong internal heating. The Planck clumps contain higher density substructure, including gravitationally bound pre-stellar and proto-stellar cores.
More details on the PGCCs you find in the PGCC description starting at page 2. Also shown in this image are numerous background galaxies including the spiral galaxies NGC 7065 and NGC7051. Further a large number of PGC galaxies also visible in the PGC annotated image. Except for the lower right of the image i missed in the net catalogues, images and descriptions for these dust and molecular clouds in Aquarius … (Please inform me about further readings). So, marvelling about the image and using my phantasy, the whole cloud complex was christened by me: "The Lama-Head". North is at the top of this picture.

Equipment used: Telescope T8 at i-Telescope in Siding Springs Australia. Exposure period: From 2020 August 18th until 2020 October 11th during 11 nights.

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E-Mail aon.914567611@aon.at
Anschrift Gerald Wechselberger EBREICHSDORF Austria
ObjektMolecular Cloud in Aquarius
OrtSiding Springs, Australien
Zeitpunkt UT
KameraFLI Microline 16803
Teleskop/Objektiv Takahashi FSQ ED =Telescope T8, i-Telescope Siding Springs, Australia
Montierung Paramount PME
Belichtungszeit12,2 Stunden
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