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Leserbilder Astronomie: Reflection Nebula VdB99, H-Alpha Nebula Sh2-1 and Sh2-7 in Constellation Scorpius

Exposures: 108 x 5 minutes with different filters 26xHa, 20xOIII, 23xR, 21xG and 28xB, using a FLI Proline 16803 CCD-camera on a Takahashy FSQ 106 with 530 mm focal length on a Paramount ME mount. Sh2-1 this combination HII-region and reflection nebula is ionised by the B1V class star Pi Scorpii (HIP78265), a member of the nearby upper Scorpius subgroup of the Sco OB2 association, which forms part of the Gould belt and the inner edge of the Orion spur. Sh 2-7 is the core of a huge diffuse nebula and is ionised
by the B0.2IVe subgiant binary Delta Scorpii, a member of the nearby Sco OB2 association. Both Sh2 objects are approximatly 650 light years away.

Daten zum Bild

E-Mail aon.914567611@aon.at
Anschrift Ebreichsdorf, Austria
ObjektReflection Nebula VdB99, H-Alpha Nebula Sh2-1 and Sh2-7
OrtSiding Springs, Australien
Zeitpunkt 24.07.2019 00:00 MESZ
KameraFLI Proline 16803 FLI PL 16070
Teleskop/Objektiv Takahashi FSQ-106 N Tak 106
Montierung Paramount ME
Belichtungszeit10 Stunden
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