Web articles
On this page, some of my public and scientific talks are available. All
talks are presented in a list.
Talk overview
- Magnetic Launching of AGN-Jets
- Experimental Evidence of Black Holes
- An introduction to Brane World Cosmology
- A brief history of Black Holes
- Relativistic Emission Lines of Accreting Black Holes
- Cosmic Jets as Sources for ultra-high energetic Neutrinos
- Gamma Ray Bursts
- The first sources of light in the Early Universe and the highest plausible redshift of luminous Quasars
1. Magnetic Launching of AGN-Jets
- date: Dezember 15 2006
- (invited colloquium talk)
- multiwavelength observations of AGN jets
- mm-VLBI of AGN jets
- active galactic nuclei (AGN)
- structure of black holes (Schwarzschild vs. Kerr)
- role of rapidly rotating black holes
- Kerr metric in Boyer-Lindquist form
- Kerr metric in Kerr-Schild form
- formation of AGN jets: Blandford-Znajek vs. Blandford-Payne
- ansatz for GRMHD simulations
- problems and tricks in GRMHD coding
- list of GRMHD groups/codes
- status report on current GRMHD simulations
- Poynting flux dominated jets
- centrifugally and gas pressure driven jets
- magneto-rotational instability (MRI)
- ray tracing of GRMHD data
- theory vs. observations
- outlook on GRMHD: radiative GRMHD etc.
2. Experimental Evidence of Black Holes
- date: September 01 2006
- (invited seminar talk)
- black hole basics
- gravitation al collapse of stars
- X-ray binary Cyg X-1
- short and long gamma-ray bursts
- anisotropic fireball model
- GRB030227
- active galactic nuclei (AGN)
- accretion physics
- Eddington's argument
- formation of AGN jets
- ray tracing
- black hole detection methods
- 3rd Keplerian law
- M-σ relation
- Galactic Centre black hole
- relativistic iron lines
- gravitational redshift
- gravitational lenses
- stellar tidal disrutions
- gravitational waves
- black hole spin measurements
- evidence for classical black holes
- alternatives to static black hole
- curvature invariants
- avoidance of singularities in loop quantum gravity
3. An introduction to Brane World Cosmology
- date: March 03 2004
- (seminar talk)
- standard cosmology
- motivation for brane cosmology
- terminology: bulk, brane
- string theory, supersymmetry
- extra dimensions
- compactification
- ADD scenario and large extra dimensions
- Randall-Sundrum models
- 1-brane system
- 2-brane system
- brane cosmology with scalar fields
- dynamical branes
- ekpyrotic scenario
- cyclic universe
- open questions in brane cosmology
4. A brief history of Black Holes
- date: January 30 2004
- (students talk)
- black holes as solutions of Einstein's field equations
- Schwarzschild and Kerr solution
- black hole structure and characteristic radii
- frame-dragging
- black hole mass scale
- gravitational collapse to stellar black holes
- observations of stellar black holes
- supermassive black holes in galaxies and AGN
- AGN paradigm
- Sgr A* - the rotating supermassive in the centre of the Milky Way
- M-σ relation
- accreting black holes: magnetohydrodynamical simulations
- MHD jets from the ergosphere
- relativistic ray tracing of rotating black holes
- relativistic emission lines
- gravastars
- Hawking radiation
- worm holes
- dynamical horizon
- black holes in string theories
- branes
5. Relativistic Emission Lines of Accreting Black Holes
- date: May 21 2003
- (seminar talk)
- AGN paradigm
- AGN X-ray spectra
- X-ray fluorescence and coronal illumination
- relativistic ray tracing of rotating black holes
- plasma kinematics around rotating black holes
- accretion theory and radiation mechanism
- radial drift and disk truncation
- simulated disk distributions: GR Doppler factor and emission
- emission lines: computation, parameter studies, classification, observation
animated gif files (zipped)
6. Cosmic Jets as Sources for ultra-high energetic Neutrinos
- date: December 12 2002
- (invited talk)
- AGN taxonomy
- origin of ultrahighenergetic protons and neutrinos
- jet formation from rotatingn supermassive black holes
- cosmic jets: morphology, collimation and acceleration
- AGN jets
- GRB jets
- relativistic hadronic and leptonic jets
- physics of microquasars
- microquasars: SS 433 & Co.
- cosmic rays
- Fermi acceleration
- Proton blazars
- neutrino rates of AGN and microquasar jets
- implications of UHE neutrino astrophysics
7. Gamma Ray Bursts
- date: May 22 2002
- (seminar talk)
- GRB discovery
- isotropic distribution of GRBs at the sky
- bimodale histogram: long and short GRBs
- GRB physics: collapsar model and CO merger
- isotropic and anisotropic fireball model
- relativistic GRB jets
- GRB afterglow
- extra light: supernova connection
- dark and orphan GRBs
- hyper accretion and neutrino cooling
- efficiency of neutrino annihilation
- GRB relics: GRBRs
8. The first sources of light in the Early Universe
and the highest plausible redshift of luminous Quasars
- date: May 30 2001
- (seminar talk)
- cosmological setup: ΛCDM cosmos
- fragmentation of primordial objects: protogalactic DM clumps
- first stars: population III
- star formation and hierarchical structure formation
- quasars
- Lyman alpha forest
- proximity effect
- ionisations fronts in the intergalactic medium (IGM)
- hydrogen and helium reionisation
- definition of filling factor
- simulations of reionisation era (Gnedin 2000)
- sources of reionisation: quasare vs. first stars
- Loeb-Rybicki halo
- 21cm tomography
- stellar formation rate (SFR): z-dependence
- instruments
- future developments to SSS (small scale structure)
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movies and animations must be extra downloaded. You can find the URI in the corresponding talk.
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© Andreas Müller, August 2007