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Leserbilder Astronomie: The Wizard Nebula

I share with you my version of the Sh2-142 nebula, called Mago for its shape. This is an emission nebula located about 8,000 light-years away in the constellation Cepheus. Inside this object, about 100 light-years wide, the stars that form the open cluster NGC 7380 developed. These celestial bodies, with their emissions, then modeled the cloud of gas and dust making it assume the 'current appearance.
Taranto, 27 and 29 June 2023
Technical data:
Mount: Heq5 pro
Main telescope: Skywatcher 150/750 + coma corrector
Main camera: Omegon vetec 533 c cooled to -5 degrees + optolong L extreme “2” filter
Guide scope: Celestron 80/600
Guide camera: Zwo asi 224 m3
Lights from 300 seconds for 11 hours of total exposure and subsequent integration with dark and flat frames.
Gain 200
Acquisition with NINA and PHD2
Processing with DSS, Siril and Photoshop
Clear skies!

Daten zum Bild

OrtTaranto, Italy
Zeitpunkt 29.06.2023 00:00 MESZ
KameraOmegon vetec 533 c
Teleskop/Objektiv Skywatcher 150/750
Montierung Heq5 pro
Belichtungszeit300 seconds...13 hours of total exposure
NachbearbeitungSiril, Photoshop
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