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Leserbilder Astronomie: Comet 13P/Olbers

This is the first color image I obtained of comet 13P/Olbers on April 1, 2024. Located at 2.3 AU from Earth in the constellation Taurus and with a brightness at magnitude 10.4, it was descending from 20° to 15° in altitude above the horizon during the sequence of shots. Nonetheless, the sky was quite clear in that direction, and I was able to capture its greenish coma well, with a size of 5 arcminutes and a sharp central condensation. Additionally, it is possible to discern (especially in the monochrome version) the presence of a short tail about 6 arcminutes in length extending eastward (to the left).

Daten zum Bild

OrtValencia, Spain
Zeitpunkt 01.04.2024 20:09 UT
KameraAtik 383L+
Teleskop/Objektiv TS-Photon 8" N f/3.6
Montierung SkyWatcher EQ6R-Pro
Belichtungszeit34 min. (L = 31 x 60 s bin1 + RGB = 1 x 60 s bin2)
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