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Leserbilder Astronomie: Seven Sisters and a Galaxy

The star cluster pleiades, never fails to amaze us! The seven sisters are visible from all parts of the globe and for us, the people in northern hemisphere, it is associated with the winter season. This image tries to capture the wonderful nebula along with the dusts that can be seen around the region. Just above the star Electra, we were also able to resolve the very faint spiral galaxy UGC 2838 having a magnitude of 17.8.
Acquisition details:
L: 176 * 180 seconds, 230 * 300 seconds
R: 22 * 300 seconds
G: 28 * 300 seconds
B: 27 * 300 seconds
Total Integration time: 34 hours 23 minutes

Telescope: TS optics 100Q
Camera: Moravian G3-16200
Mount: Custom made

Processing: Pixinsight

Location: Felizzano, Italy
Date: Imaged over multiple nights during October-November 2021

Image acquired by Michele Mazzola
Image processed by Soumyadeep Mukherjee

Daten zum Bild

E-Mail soumyadeepmukherjeephotos@gmail.com
ObjektPleiades, M45
Zeitpunkt 23.11.2021 18:00 MEZ
KameraMoravian G3-16200
Teleskop/Objektiv TS optics 100Q
Montierung Custom made
Belichtungszeit34 Hours 23 minutes
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