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Leserbilder Astronomie: Strichspuren wie auf dem Mars

For several days now, skies across southwestern Europe have been filled with Saharan desert dust that sirocco winds from Algeria are carrying all the way to the northwest of the old continent. The result is that we are under a "Martian" sky that prevents any astrophotographic activity. To better render the phenomenon, I have remade the photo from four years ago during the COVID-19 lockdown, obtained from the terrace of my home.
The shooting modes are identical, but the result is obviously very different: it’s like being on the Red Planet.

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E-Mail giannitumino58@gmail.com
Anschrift VIA STESICORO, 33 - 97100 RAGUSA (ITALY)
OrtRagusa (Sicily-Italy))
Zeitpunkt 31.03.2024 00:00
Teleskop/Objektiv SIGMA 14 mm lens f/1,8 @ f/5,6
Belichtungszeitn° 230 – 15-seconds exposures @ 800 ISO
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