Leserbilder Astronomie: M65 (NGC 3623), Spiral Galaxy type Sa and M66 (NGC 3627), Spiral Galaxy type Sb, in Leo
M65 and M66 are a part from the Leo Triplet, a well known conspicuous grouping of galaxies (also known as the M66-Group). This is a small group of galaxies about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. Halton Arp includes these galaxies in his entry number 317 of his Catalogue of Peculiar Galaxies, which denotes the Leo Triplett.
Daten zum Bild
velimir.popov@elateobservatory.com | |
Ort | IRIDA Observatory - www.irida-observatory.com |
Zeitpunkt | 25.01.2025 14:43 UT |
Kamera | CCD Atik4000M |
Teleskop/Objektiv | 12"-Ritchey-Chrétien at f/5 |
Belichtungszeit | L = 140 m, R = 130 m, G = 130 m, B = 140 m, subs. 10 m, Bin 1, Total Exposure Time - 540 m (9 hours) |
Nachbearbeitung | PixInsight / PS |
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