Lexikon der Biologie
Tipp: Verwenden Sie den Platzhalter *, um zusätzlich nach Artikeln zu suchen, die den Suchbegriff beinhalten. Beispiel: *Synthese
Index: C
- Verweisstichwort
- Kurzdefinition
- Artikel
- Großartikel
- C
- c-abl
- C-Banden
- C-Bivalent
- C-Domänen
- C-Falter
- c-fms-Onkogen
- C-Fuchs
- C-Horizont
- C-Linien-Protein
- C-Meiose
- C-Mitose
- c-mos
- c-myc
- c-onc
- C-Peptid
- C-R-S-Strategie
- c-ras Onkogen
- C-reaktives Protein
- C-Region
- c-sis
- c-Strang
- C-Stratege
- C-Terminus
- C-Tramp
- C-Tubulus
- C-Typ-Viren
- C-type natriuretic peptide
- C-Waffen
- C-Wert
- C-Wert-Paradoxon
- C-Zellen
- C/N-Verhältnis
- C/P-Verhältnis
- C1-C9
- C1-Inhibitor
- C1-Körper
- C14
- c2-Anpassungstest
- C23
- C3-Pflanzen
- C3b-Inaktivator
- C3H/Hej-Mäuse
- C4-Dicarboxylat-Zyklus
- C4-Pflanzen
- C4-Säurezyklus
- C5
- C6
- Ca
- Ca2+-ATPase
- Ca2+-Na+-Antiport
- CAAT-Box
- Caatinga
- Cabassou
- Cabassous
- Cabomba
- Cabombaceae
- CaBP
- CaBP3
- Cabrita
- Cacajao
- Cacatua
- Cacatuinae
- Cachectin
- Cachexia
- Cachounuß
- Cacius
- Cacomixtl
- Cacophryne
- Cacops
- Cacospongia
- Cacosternum
- Cactaceae
- Cactoblastis
- Cactoidae
- Cactospiza
- Cadalin
- Cadang-cadang-Krankheit
- Cadaverin
- Cadeöl
- Cadherine
- cadicon
- Cadinen
- Cadinole
- Cadmium
- Cadmiumsulfat-Reaktion
- Cadulus
- Caecilia
- Caeciliidae
- Caecilioides
- Caecobarbus
- Caecosphaeroma
- Caecotrophie
- Caecum
- Caedax
- Caedibacter
- Caedobacter
- Caelifera
- Caenidae
- Caenogastropoda
- Caenogenese
- Caenolestidae
- Caenomorpha
- Caenophidia
- Caenorhabditis
- Caenorhabditis elegans
- Caenotherium
- Caeoma
- Caerulein
- Caeruloplasmin
- Caesalpinia
- Caesalpiniaceae
- Caesalpinie
- Caesalpiniengewächse
- Caesalpinioideae
- Caesalpinus
- Caesium
- Cafestol
- Cagniard de Latour
- Caguaré
- Cahours, Auguste André Thomas
- Cahow
- Caiman
- Cainotherium
- Cairina
- Cairn-Terrier
- Caissonkrankheit
- Cajanus
- Cajeputöl
- Cakile
- Cakiletea maritimae
- cal
- Calabar-Potto
- Calabarbeule
- Calabaria
- Calabozoa
- Calabozoida
- Calabrium
- Caladium
- Calamagrostion arundinaceae
- Calamagrostis
- Calamaria
- Calamarinae
- Calamintha
- Calamistrum
- Calamitaceae
- Calamiten
- Calamites
- Calamobius
- Calamocarpaceae
- Calamocarpon
- Calamodendron
- Calamoichthys
- Calamondin
- Calamophyton
- Calamopityales
- Calamostachys
- Calamus
- Calandra
- Calanus
- Calappa
- Calappidae
- Calathea
- Calathidium
- Calathium
- Calbindin
- Calcaneus
- Calcar
- Calcarea
- Calceola
- Calceolaria
- Calceolaschichten
- Calcichordata
- Calciferol
- calcifug
- Calcimycin
- Calcineurin
- Calcinose
- calciphil
- calciphob
- Calcipotriol
- Calcispongiae
- Calcit
- Calcitonin
- Calcitriol
- Calcium
- Calcium-Antagonisten
- Calcium-Blocker
- Calcium-Ionophor
- Calcium-Promotoren
- Calcium-Proteinat-Phosphat-Partikel
- Calcium-Pumpe
- Calcium/Calmodulin-abhängige Proteinkinasen
- Calciumauswaschung
- Calciumbindendes Protein
- Calciumbindendes Reticuloplasmin
- Calciumbituminosulfonat
- Calciumcarbonat
- Calciumcyanamid
- Calciumdihydrogenphosphat
- Calciumfluorid
- Calciumhorizont
- Calciumhydrogencarbonat
- Calciumhydrogencarbonat-Typ
- Calciumhydrogenphosphat
- Calciumhydroxid
- Calciumkanäle
- Calciumnitrat
- Calciumoxalat
- Calciumoxid
- Calciumphosphate
- Calciumstoffwechsel
- Calciumsulfat
- Calciumtrinatriumpentetat
- Caldesia
- Caldesmon
- Caldolysin
- Calectasia
- Caledoniella
- Caledoniellidae
- Calelectrine
- Calendula
- Calendulaöl
- Calenduleae
- Calendulin
- calf thymus DNA
- Calgranulin
- Calicella
- Caliche
- Caliciaceae
- Caliciales
- Caliciopsis
- Calicium
- Caliciviren
- Caliciviridae
- Calicivirus
- Calico
- Calicotome
- Caliculi gustatorii
- Calidarium
- Calidris
- California-Encephalitis
- California-Gruppe
- Caligo
- Caligus
- Caliroa
- Calix
- Calla
- Callaeas
- Callaeidae
- Callagur-Schildkröten
- Callaphididae
- Callaphis
- Calliactis
- Callianassa
- Callianassidae
- Calliandra
- Callianira
- Callicarpa
- Callicebus
- Callichthyidae
- Callidium
- Calliergon
- Callilepis
- Callimico
- Callimiconidae
- Callimomidae
- Callimorpha
- Callinectes
- Callinera
- Calliobothrium
- Callionymoidei
- Callionymus
- Callioplanidae
- Calliostoma
- Calliphora
- Calliphora-Einheit
- Calliphora-Test
- Calliphoridae
- Calliphorin
- Callipodida
- Calliptamus
- Callipteris
- Callisaurus
- Callisia
- Callistemon
- Callistephin
- Callistephus
- Callistochiton
- Callistophytales
- Callistophyton
- Callistoplacidae
- Calliteuthis
- Callithamnion
- Callithricidae
- Callithrix
- Callitrichaceae
- Callitriche
- Callitris
- Callitroideae
- Callitrolsäure
- Callixylon
- Callochiton
- Callograptus
- Callophrys
- Callopistes
- Callorhinus
- Callorhynchidae
- Callosciurini
- Callosciurus
- Callose
- Callose-Synthase
- Calloso-bulbärer Index
- Callosobruchus
- Callospermarion
- Callovium
- Calluella
- Calluna
- Calluna-Heiden
- Calluno-Genistion
- Calluno-Ulicetalia
- Callus
- Calma
- Calmette, Albert Léon Charles
- Calmette-Serum
- Calmodulin
- Calmodulin-abhängige Proteinkinasen
- Calmusöl
- Calnexin
- Calobryales
- Calocedrus
- Calocera
- Calochortus
- Calocoris
- Calocybe
- Calodendrum
- Calodon
- Calomniaceae
- Calomyia
- Calomyxa
- Calonectris
- Caloneis
- Calonymphida
- Calophyllum
- Caloplaca
- Calopodes
- Caloprymnus
- Calopterygidae
- Calopteryx
- Calopus
- Calor
- Caloscypha
- Calosoma
- Calostemma
- Calostomataceae
- Calotermes
- Calotes
- Calothamnus
- Calothrix
- Calpactine
- Calpaine
- Calpionellen
- Calponin
- Calregulin
- Calreticulin
- Calretinin
- Calsequestrin
- Calsequestrin-ähnliches Protein
- Caltha
- Calthion
- Caluromys
- Calvaria
- Calvarium
- Calvatia
- Calville
- Calvin, Melvin
- Calvin-Benson-Zyklus
- Calvin-Pflanzen
- Calvin-Zyklus
- Calvinosom
- Calycanthaceae
- Calycanthus
- Calycella
- Calyceraceae
- Calycin
- Calycocorsus
- Calycophorae
- Calycotome
- Calyculus
- Calymma
- Calymmatobacterium
- Calymperaceae
- Calymperes
- Calypogeia
- Calypogeiaceae
- Calyptahyla
- Calyptocephalella
- Calyptomeridae
- Calyptomerus
- Calyptopis
- Calyptra
- Calyptraea
- Calyptraeidae
- Calyptraeoidea
- Calyptrata
- Calyptrogen
- Calyssozoa
- Calystegia
- Calystegietalia sepium
- Calyx
- CaM-Kinasen
- CAM-Pflanzen
- CAM-Test
- Camaenidae
- Camallanina
- Camallanoidea
- Camallanus
- Camarasauridae
- Camarasaurus
- Camargue-Pferd
- Camarhynchus
- Camarodonta
- Camarophyllus
- Camarostom
- Camassia
- Cambarinae
- Cambarus
- Cambisole
- Cambridiacea
- Cambridiidae
- Cambridioidea
- Cambridium
- Cambrium
- Camelidae
- Camelina
- Camellia
- Camelops
- Camelus
- Camembert
- camerale Ablagerungen
- Camerarius, Rudolph Jakob
- Camerata
- Camouflage
- cAMP
- cAMP bindendes Protein
- cAMP responsive element binding protein
- cAMP-abhängige Proteinkinase
- cAMP-CAP-Komplex
- cAMP-Kaskade
- cAMP-Phosphodiesterase
- cAMP-Rezeptor
- Campanium
- Campanopsis
- Campanula
- Campanulaceae
- Campanulales
- Campanularia
- Campanulariidae
- Campanulina
- Campanulinidae
- Campeche
- Campephaga
- Campephagidae
- Campephilus
- Camper, Pieter
- Camperscher Gesichtswinkel
- Campesterin
- Campesterol
- Camphen
- Campher
- Campherbaum
- Campherbusch
- Campheröl
- Camphora
- Campignien
- Campodea
- Campodealarve
- Campodeidae
- campodeoide Larve
- Camponotus
- Campos
- Campsis
- Camptocladius
- Camptosaurus
- Camptostemon
- Camptotheca
- Camptothecin
- Campylaea
- Campylobacter
- Campyloderes
- Campyloderidae
- Campylomormyrus
- Campylopus
- campylotrop
- CAMs
- Camylofin
- Can Llobateres
- Canaliculus
- Canalin
- Canalis
- Cananga
- Canangaöl
- Canano, Giovanni Battista
- Canarina
- Canarium
- Canavalia
- Canavanin
- Cancellaria
- Cancellata
- Cancer
- cancerogen
- Cancerogene
- Cancerostatika
- Cancricepon
- Cancridae
- Candelaria
- Candelariaceae
- Candelariella
- Candicin
- Candida
- Candidaceae
- Candidiasis
- Candidose
- Candidula
- Candiru
- Candle Bush
- Candle-Kohle
- Candoia
- Candolle, Alphonse Pyrame
- Candolle, Augustin-Pyramus
- Canella
- Canellaceae
- Canephora
- Canescin
- Canicolafieber
- Canidae
- Canini
- Canis
- Canna
- Cannabaceae
- Cannabidiol
- Cannabidiolcarbonsäure
- Cannabinaceae
- Cannabinoide
- Cannabinol
- Cannabiose
- Cannabis
- Cannabis-Rezeptor
- Cannabisgewächse
- Cannabismus
- Cannaceae
- Cannizzaro, Stanislao
- Cannomys
- Cannon, Walter Bradford
- Cannon-Notfallreaktion
- Cannstattrasse
- Canoidea
- Canopidae
- canopy
- Cantabrium
- Cantharellaceae
- Cantharellales
- Cantharellus
- Cantharidae
- Cantharidenpflaster
- Cantharidin
- Cantharidin bindendes Protein
- Cantharidus
- Cantharis
- Cantharoidea
- Cantharophilie
- Cantharus
- Canthaxanthin
- Canthigaster
- Canthocamptus
- Cantleya
- Cantor-Menge
- Caobangiidae
- Cap
- cap binding activity
- cap binding protein
- Cap-Struktur
- Cap-Z-Protein
- Capecitabin
- Capensis
- Capillaria
- Capillariosis
- Capilli
- Capillitium
- Capillovirus
- Capitata
- Capitella
- Capitellida
- Capitellidae
- Capitellides
- Capitonidae
- Capitosauria
- Capitulum
- Capnin
- Capnodiaceae
- Capnodiales
- Capnodium
- Capoeta
- Capparaceae
- Capparales
- Capparidaceae
- Capparis
- Capping
- Capping-Enzym
- cappuccino
- Capra
- Caprella
- Caprellidae
- Capreolus
- Capreomycin
- capricorn
- Capricornis
- Caprifeigen
- Caprificus
- Caprifizierung
- Caprifoliaceae
- Caprimulgidae
- Caprimulgiformes
- Caprimulgus
- Caprinae
- Caprinate
- Caprini
- Caprinsäure
- Capripoxviren
- Caproidae
- Caprolagus
- Capromeryx
- Capromyidae
- Capromys
- Capronate
- Capronsäure
- Capros
- Caprylate
- Caprylrest
- Caprylsäure
- Capsaicin
- capsal
- Capsalesstadium
- Capsanthin
- Capsella
- Capsicum
- Capsid
- Capsidae
- Capsidol
- Capsomeren
- Capsorubin
- Capsula
- Capsulum
- Captacula
- Captopril
- Captorhinomorpha
- Capulidae
- Capulus
- Caput
- Capybara
- Carabidae
- Caraboid-Larve
- Carabus
- Caracal
- Caracanthidae
- Caradocium
- Caragana
- Carallia
- Carambola
- Carancho
- Carangidae
- Carapaöl
- Carapax
- Carapaxdrüse
- Carapidae
- Carapus
- Carassius
- Carate
- Carausius
- Caraya
- Carbacephems
- Carbachol
- Carbamat-Kinase
- Carbamate
- Carbamatherbizide
- Carbamatinsektizide
- Carbamazepin
- Carbamid
- Carbamino-Hämoglobin
- Carbaminogruppe
- Carbaminsäure
- Carbamoylcholinchlorid
- Carbamoylphosphat
- Carbamylaspartat
- Carbamylphosphat
- Carbamylphosphat-Synthetase
- Carbamylphosphat-Synthetase-I-Mangel
- Carbanion
- Carbapenems
- Carbaryl
- Carbenicillin
- Carbeniumion
- Carbenoxolon
- Carbhämoglobin
- Carbidessig
- Carbidopa
- Carbimazol
- Carbinol
- Carbo
- Carbo spongiae
- Carboanhydrase
- Carboanhydrase-Cluster
- Carboanhydrase-Hemmer
- Carboanhydratase
- Carbobenzoxychlorid
- Carbocistein
- carbocyclische Verbindungen
- Carbodiimide
- Carbolfuchsin-Färbung
- Carbolineum
- Carbolsäure
- Carbomycin
- carbon dioxid factor
- carbon isotope discrimination
- Carbonatatmung
- Carbonate
- Carbonathärte
- Carbonatisierung
- Carbonatverwitterung
- Carboneum
- Carbonifikation
- Carbonsäure-Esterasen
- Carbonsäureamidgruppe
- Carbonsäureamidherbizide
- Carbonsäureester
- Carbonsäuren
- Carbonsäurethioester
- Carbonylcyanid-p-Trifluor-Methoxy-Phenylhydrazon
- Carbonylfarbstoffe
- Carbonylgruppe
- Carbonylverbindungen
- Carboplatin
- Carboxanilidfungizide
- Carboxidismutase
- Carboxidobakterien
- Carboxisomen
- Carboxyamid-Amino-Imidazol
- Carboxybiotin
- Carboxybiotin-Enzym
- Carboxydismutase
- Carboxyhämoglobin
- Carboxyl-Esterasen
- Carboxyl-Transferase
- Carboxylase
- Carboxylende
- Carboxylester-Hydrolase
- Carboxylgruppe
- Carboxylierung
- Carboxylterminus
- Carboxymethyl-Cellulose
- Carboxypenicilline
- Carboxypeptidasen
- Carboxysomen
- Carbromal
- Carbuterol
- Carcharhinidae
- Carcharhiniformes
- Carcharhinus
- Carcharias
- Carchariidae
- Carcharodon
- Carcharodontosaurus
- Carcharodus
- Carchesium
- Carcinobdella
- carcinoembryonales Antigen
- carcinogen
- Carcinogenese
- Carcinonemertes
- Carcinoscorpius
- Carcinostatika
- Carcinus
- Cardamine
- Cardamino-Montion
- Cardaminopsis
- Cardamom
- Cardamomöl
- Cardanolide
- Cardaria
- Cardenolide
- Cardia
- Cardiadrüsen
- Cardiapoda
- Cardiidae
- Cardinalia
- Cardinalis
- Cardiobacterium
- Cardioblasten
- Cardioceras
- Cardioglossa
- Cardioidea
- Cardiolipin
- Cardiolipin-Synthase
- Cardiospermum
- Cardiotoxine
- Cardiotrophin
- Cardioviren
- Cardisoma
- Cardita
- Carditidae
- Cardium
- Cardo
- Cardol
- Cardueae
- Carduelis
- Carduus
- Cardy
- Carene
- Caretta
- Carettochelyidae
- Carex
- Carextyp
- Cariama
- Cariamidae
- Carica
- Caricaceae
- Caricales
- Caricetalia davallianae
- Caricetalia nigrae
- Caricetea curvulae
- Caricetum curvulae
- Caricetum elatae
- Caricetum ferrugineae
- Caricetum firmae
- Caricetum gracilis
- Caricetum limosae
- Caricetum rostratae
- Carici (remotae)-Fraxinetum
- Carici elongatae-Alnetum glutinosae
- Carici-Agrostietum caninae
- Carici-Fagetum
- Caricion curvulae
- Caricion ferrugineae
- Caridea
- Carina
- Carinalhöhlen
- Carinaria
- Carinariidae
- Carinatae
- Carinina
- Carinogammarus
- Carinoma
- Carinomidae
- Carinotetraodon
- Carisoprodol
- Carissa
- Carlavirus
- Carlina
- Carlinaoxid
- Carludovica
- Carmarina
- Carmesin
- Carmin
- Carminalaun
- Carminativum
- Carminessigsäure
- Carminrot
- Carminsäure
- Carmovirus
- Carnation latent virus
- Carnation mottle virus
- Carnation ringspot virus
- Carnaubapalme
- Carnaubasäure
- Carnaubawachs
- Carnaubylalkohol
- Carnegiea
- Carnegiella
- Carnitin
- Carnitin-Acyltransferase
- Carnitin-shuttle
- Carnitin-Transferase
- Carnivora
- carnivore Pflanzen
- Carnobacterium
- Carnoconites-Typ
- Carnosauria
- Carnosin
- Carnoy
- Carnoy-Flüssigkeit
- Caroafaser
- Carolina-Nelkenpfeffer
- Carotin
- Carotine
- Carotinoide
- Carotis
- Carotissinus
- Carotovora
- Carpalia
- Carpathica
- Carpentales
- Carphophis
- Carpinion betuli
- Carpino-Prunetum
- Carpinus
- Carpobrotus
- Carpocapsa
- Carpoglyphus
- Carpoidea
- Carpoiden
- Carponomium
- Carpus
- Carrageenan
- Carragenin
- Carraghen
- Carrasco
- Carrel, Alexis
- Carriónsche Erkrankung
- Carrier
- Carrier-DNA
- Carrier-Proteine
- Carrier-RNA
- Carrot mottle virus
- Carrpaceae
- Carterocephalus
- Carterus
- Carthamin
- Carthamus
- cartilage derived factor
- cartilage derived growth factor
- cartilage inducing factor
- cartilage oligomeric matrix protein
- Cartilago
- Cartodere
- Carum
- Caruncula
- Carus, Carl Gustav
- Carus, Julius Victor
- Carvacrol
- Carveol
- Carvon
- Carya
- Carybdea
- Carychium
- Caryoblastea
- Caryophanon
- Caryophyllaceae
- Caryophyllaeus
- Caryophyllales
- Caryophyllene
- Caryophyllia
- Caryophyllidae
- Caryophyllidea
- Caryopteris
- Caryota
- Casarea
- Cascararinde
- Cascarillarinde
- Cascaval
- Casea
- Casearia
- Caseidae
- Casein
- Caseinkinase I + II
- caseinolytic protease
- Cashew-Nußschalenöl
- Cashewnuß
- Casimiroa
- Casmerodius
- Caspary
- Casparyscher Streifen
- Caspasen
- Cassaidin
- Cassain
- Cassainsäure
- Cassamin
- Cassava
- Cassia
- Cassia-Blütenöl
- Cassiaöl
- Cassida
- Cassidae
- Cassidinae
- Cassidula
- Cassiduloida
- Cassiope
- Cassiopeia
- Cassipourea
- Cassis
- Castalia
- Castanea
- Castanopsis
- Castanospermin
- Castanospermum
- Castaprenole
- Castasteron
- Castela
- Castellani, Marchese Aldo
- Castianeira
- Castilla
- Castillo y López
- Castilloa
- CASTing
- Castle
- Castle-Ferment
- Castniidae
- Castor
- Castoramin
- Castoreum
- Castoridae
- Casuariidae
- Casuariiformes
- Casuarina
- Casuarinaceae
- Casuarinales
- Casuarius
- CAT-assay
- CAT-Gen
- catabolin
- Catabrosa
- Cataglyphis
- Catalpa
- Catamblyrhynchidae
- Catamblyrhynchus
- Catantopidae
- Catapyrenium
- Catarrhina
- Catasetum
- Catechinamine
- Catechine
- Catechol
- Catechol-O-Methyl-Transferase
- Catecholamin-O-Methyl-Transferase
- Catecholamine
- catecholaminerg
- Catecholaminrezeptoren
- Catecholöstrogene
- Catechu
- Catechu gambir
- Catena
- Catena-Dimere
- Catenane
- Catenata
- Catenate
- Catenine
- Catenulida
- Catgut
- Catha
- Catharanthus
- Catharanthusalkaloide
- Cathartes
- Cathartidae
- Cathaya
- Cathaysiaflora
- Cathenine
- Cathepsin G
- Cathepsine
- Cathin
- Cathinon
- Catillaria
- Catillariaceae
- Catinella
- Catinga
- cationic hypothalamus derived growth factor
- Catlocarpio
- catmabs
- Catocala
- Catopidae
- Catopithecus
- Catoprion
- Catoscopiaceae
- Catoscopium
- Catostomidae
- Catostomus
- Cattleya
- Caucalidion
- Caucalido-Adonidetum flammeae
- Caucalis
- Cauda
- Cauda epididymidis
- Cauda equina
- caudad
- caudal
- Caudalwirbel
- Caudata
- Caudatum
- Caudex
- Caudex cerebri
- Caudicula
- Caudina
- Caudinidae
- Caudipteryx
- Caudiverbera
- Caudofoveata
- Caudovirales
- Caularien
- Caulerpa
- Caulerpaceae
- Caulidium
- Cauliflorie
- cauliflower mosaic virus
- Caulimoviren
- Caulimoviridae
- Caulimovirus
- Caulimovirus-Gruppe
- Caulis
- Caulobacter
- Cauloid
- Caulonema
- Caulonomium
- Caulophacidae
- Caulophacus
- Caulophrynidae
- Caulopteris
- Caunopora
- Caunoporen
- Cauphias
- Causus
- Cavanillesia
- Cavea
- Cavendish, Henry
- Caventou, Joseph Bienaimé
- Cavia
- Caviidae
- Caviinae
- Caviomorpha
- Cavitas
- Cavolini
- Cavolinia
- Cavum
- Cay-Cay-Butter
- Cayal
- Cayenne-Pfeffer
- Cayenneratte
- Cayley, Sir George
- Caytoniales
- Cärulein
- Cäsium
- Cäsiumchlorid-Dichtegradienten-Zentrifugation
- CBA/N-Maus
- ccc
- CCL-64-Zellen
- Cd
- Cd
- CD
- CD-Antigene
- CD-Marker
- CD-Spektroskopie
- CD-Spektrum
- CD1...
- cdc-Gene
- cDNA
- cDNA-Bibliothek
- cDNA-Klonierung
- CDP-Cholin
- CDP-Diacylglycerin
- CDP-Diacylglycerin-Inosit-Phosphatidyl-Transferase
- CDP-Diacylglycerin-Serin-O-Phosphatidyl-Transferase
- CDP-Diglycerid
- CDP-Ethanolamin
- CDP-Ribitol
- CDR-grafted antibodies
- Ceanothus
- Cebidae
- Cebinae
- Ceboidea
- Cebrionidae
- Cebus
- Cech, Thomas Robert
- cecidicol
- Cecidien
- cecidikol
- Cecidomyiidae
- cecidozoisch
- Cecilioides
- Cecropia
- Cecropine
- ced
- Cedernholzöl
- Cedrela
- Cedren
- Cedrol
- Cedrus
- Cefacetril
- Cefalexin
- Cefaloridin
- Cefalotin
- Cefapirin
- Cefazolin
- Cefradin
- Ceftriaxon
- Ceiba
- Celastraceae
- Celastrales
- Celastrus
- Celebesroller
- Celebessegelfisch
- Celerio
- cell junctions
- cell lineage
- cell-attached-mode
- cell-division-cycle-Gene
- Cellana
- Cellaria
- Cellepora
- Cellobiase
- Cellobiose
- Celloidin
- Cellula
- Cellulase
- cellulolytische Mikroorganismen
- Cellulomonas
- Cellulose
- Cellulose-Synthase
- celluloseabbauende Mikroorganismen
- Cellulosefibrillen
- Cellulosehydrat
- Cellulosenitrat
- Cellulosom
- Cellvibrio
- Celmisia
- Celosia
- Celsus, Aulus Cornelius
- Celsussche Kardinalsymptome
- Celtis
- Cembra
- Cembrane
- Cembranoide
- Cembren
- CEN-Sequenzen
- Cenocrinus
- Cenomanium
- Centaurea
- Centaurium
- Centeoidea
- Centimorgan
- Centra
- Centracanthidae
- Centrales
- Centralia
- Centranthus
- Centrarchidae
- Centriol
- Centris
- Centriscidae
- Centriscus
- Centroblasten
- Centrocercus
- Centrocyten
- Centroderes
- Centrodesmose
- centrolecithale Eier
- Centrolene
- Centrolenella
- Centrolenidae
- Centrolepidaceae
- Centrolophidae
- Centrolophus
- Centromer
- Centromerautoorientierung
- Centromerdistanz
- Centromerenindex
- Centromerfusion
- Centromerinterferenz
- Centromerkoorientierung
- Centromermißteilung
- Centromerpolarisation
- Centromerrepulsion
- Centronella
- centronellid
- Centropages
- Centropelma
- Centrophenoxin
- Centrophyes
- Centroplasma
- Centropomidae
- Centropomus
- Centropristis
- Centropsis
- Centropus
- Centropyge
- Centropyxis
- Centrorhynchus
- Centrosom
- Centrospermae
- Centrosphäre
- Centrostephanus
- Centrotus
- Centrum
- Centuroides
- Cepaea
- Cephaelis
- Cephalanthera
- Cephalanthero-Fagenion
- Cephalaria
- Cephalaspidea
- Cephalaspiden
- Cephalaspidomorphi
- Cephalaspis
- cephale Gregarinen
- Cephaleia
- Cephaleuros
- Cephaline
- Cephalisation
- Cephalium
- Cephalobaena
- Cephalobaenida
- Cephalobus
- Cephalocarida
- Cephalocereus
- Cephalochordata
- Cephalodella
- Cephalodien
- Cephalodiscidae
- Cephalodiscus
- Cephalodium
- Cephalogale
- Cephalogaster
- Cephalogenese
- Cephalogramm
- Cephalometrie
- Cephalomycine
- Cephalon
- Cephalophinae
- Cephalopholis
- Cephalophus
- Cephalopoda
- Cephalopodium
- Cephalopterus
- Cephalorhynchinae
- Cephalorhynchus
- Cephaloscyllium
- Cephalosporine
- Cephalosporium
- Cephalotaceae
- Cephalotaxaceae
- Cephalotaxites
- Cephalotaxus
- Cephalothorax
- Cephalothricidae
- Cephalothrix
- Cephalotrocha
- Cephalotus
- cephalozentrische These
- Cephamycine
- Cephennium
- Cephenomyia
- Cephidae
- Cephus
- Cepola
- Cepolidae
- Cepphus
- Ceprano
- Cera
- Ceractinomorpha
- Cerago
- Ceramaster
- Cerambycidae
- Cerambycoid-Larve
- Cerambyx
- Ceramiaceae
- Ceramiales
- Ceramid-Cholinphospho-Transferase
- Ceramide
- Ceramidphosphoryl-Choline
- Ceramium
- Cerastes
- Cerastium
- Cerastoderma
- Cerata
- Ceratias
- Ceratiidae
- Ceratina
- Ceratinella
- Ceratioidei
- Ceratiomyxa
- Ceratiomyxales
- Ceratiomyxella
- Ceratiomyxomycetidae
- Ceratiten
- Ceratitida
- Ceratitis
- ceratitische Lobenlinie
- Ceratium
- Ceratobasidium
- Ceratobatrachus
- Ceratocombidae
- Ceratocombus
- Ceratocystidae
- Ceratocystis
- Ceratocystis perneri
- Ceratodidae
- Ceratodontidae
- Ceratodontiformes
- Ceratodus
- Ceratolejeunea
- Ceratomorpha
- Ceratomycetaceae
- Ceratonia
- Ceratopetalum
- ceratophag
- Ceratophora
- Ceratophryidae
- Ceratophryinae
- Ceratophrys
- Ceratophyllaceae
- Ceratophyllales
- Ceratophyllum
- Ceratopogonidae
- Ceratopsia
- Ceratopteris
- Ceratopyge
- Ceratosauria
- Ceratosaurus
- Ceratosolen
- Ceratosoma
- Ceratosporella
- Ceratostigma
- Ceratotherium
- Ceratotoxine
- Ceratotrichia
- Ceratoulmin
- Ceratozamia
- Ceraurinella
- Cerbera
- Cerberus
- Cercarie
- Cercariendermatitis
- Cerceris
- Cerci
- Cercidia
- Cercidiphyllaceae
- Cercidiphyllum
- Cercidosom
- Cercion
- Cercis
- Cercocebus
- Cercomeromorpha
- Cercomonas
- Cercopidae
- Cercopis
- Cercopithecidae
- Cercopithecoidea
- Cercopithecus
- Cercospora
- Cercosporella
- Cercosporin
- Cercyon
- Cerdocyon
- Cereae
- Cerealien
- Cerebellum
- Cerebraldrüsen
- Cerebralganglion
- Cerebralisation
- Cerebralparese
- Cerebratulus
- Cerebronsäure
- Cerebropleuralganglion
- Cerebroside
- Cerebrosidose
- cerebrospinal
- Cerebrospinalflüssigkeit
- Cerebrum
- Cereoidae
- Ceresa
- Cereus
- Ceriantharia
- Cerianthopsis
- Cerianthus
- Ceriidae
- Cerin
- Cerinthe
- Ceriomyces
- Cerion
- Cerioporina
- Ceriops
- Cerithienschichten
- Cerithiidae
- Cerithioidea
- Cerithium
- Cermak
- Cernuella
- Cerocoma
- Ceroma
- Ceromasia
- Ceropegia
- Cerophaga
- Cerophytidae
- Ceroplatus
- Ceroptera
- Cerosipha
- Cerotinsäure
- Ceroxylon
- Cerrados
- Certation
- Certhia
- Certhidea
- Certhiidae
- Ceruchus
- Cerulenin
- Cerumen
- Cerura
- Cervicaldrüsen
- Cervicalia
- Cervicalpapillen
- Cervicalsklerit
- Cervicalwirbel
- Cervidae
- Cervinae
- Cervix
- Cervixkanal
- Cervoidea
- Cervus
- Cerylalkohol
- Ceryle
- Cerylonidae
- Cesalpino, Andrea
- Cesalpinus
- CESS-Zellen
- Cestidea
- Cestoda
- Cestodaria
- Cestoida
- Cestoplanidae
- Cestrum
- Cestus
- Cetacea
- Cetaceum
- Cetanol
- Ceterach
- Cetolithen
- Cetomimidae
- Cetomimiformes
- Cetonia
- Cetoniinae
- Cetopsidae
- Cetorhinidae
- Cetorhinus
- Cetraria
- Cetrario-Loiseleurietea
- Cetrario-Loiseleurietum
- Cetverikov
- Cetylalkohol
- Cetylsäure
- Cetylsulfat
- Cetyltrimethylammoniumbromid
- Ceutorhynchinae
- Cevadin
- Ceveratrumalkaloide
- Cevin
- cf.
- CF1-ATPase
- CFC-Mix
- CG
- cGMP
- cGMP-Phosphodiesterase
- Châtelperronien
- Chabasit
- Chabos
- Chaca
- Chacidae
- Chacofrösche
- Chacophrys
- Chactidae
- Chaenichthyidae
- Chaenomeles
- Chaenopsidae
- Chaenotheca
- Chaerophyllin
- Chaerophyllum
- Chaetae
- Chaetoblast
- Chaetoceras
- Chaetochloridaceae
- Chaetochloris
- Chaetocladium
- Chaetoderma
- Chaetodipterus
- Chaetodon
- Chaetodontidae
- Chaetogaster
- Chaetognatha
- Chaetoide
- Chaetomiaceae
- Chaetomiales
- Chaetomin
- Chaetomium
- Chaetomorpha
- Chaetomys
- Chaetonotida
- Chaetonotoidea
- Chaetonotus
- Chaetoparia
- Chaetopeltis
- Chaetophora
- Chaetophoraceae
- Chaetophorales
- Chaetopleura
- Chaetopteridae
- Chaetopterus
- Chaetosema
- Chaetostephanidae
- Chaetostephanus
- Chaetostylum
- Chaetotaxie
- Chaetotaxis
- Chaetozone
- Chagas, Carlos Ribeiro Justinano
- Chagas-Krankheit
- Chain, Sir Ernst Boris
- Chaitophoridae
- Chalarodon
- Chalastogastra
- Chalaza
- Chalazion
- Chalazogamie
- Chalcalburnus
- Chalcides
- Chalcididae
- Chalcidoidea
- Chalcis
- Chalcophora
- Chalicodoma
- Chalicomys
- Chalicotherioidea
- Chalicotherium
- Chalina
- Chalinasterin
- Chalkon-Isomerase
- Chalkon-Synthase
- Chalkone
- Chalkophyten
- Challenger-Expedition
- Chalone
- Chama
- Chamaea
- Chamaecyparis
- Chamaecytisus
- Chamaedorea
- Chamaegigas
- Chamaeidae
- Chamaeleo
- Chamaeleonidae
- Chamaemelum
- Chamaemyiidae
- Chamaephyta
- Chamaephyten
- Chamaerops
- Chamaesaura
- Chamaesiphon
- Chamaesiphonaceae
- Chamaesiphonales
- Chamaesphecia
- Chamaexeros
- Chamazulen
- Chamäleonfliege
- Chamäleons
- Chamberland
- Chamberland-Kerze
- Chambers, Robert
- Chamelaucium
- Chamidae
- Chamillin
- Chamisso, Adelbert von
- Chamoidea
- Chamorchis
- Champagner
- Champignon
- Champignonartige Pilze
- Champsodontidae
- Champsosaurus
- Chance, Britton
- Chancelade
- Chancelloriidae
- Chanda
- Chandidae
- Chandu
- Chanidae
- Channa
- channel forming integral protein
- Channichthyidae
- Channidae
- Channiformes
- Chanoclavin
- Chanos
- Chantrans
- Chantransia
- Chaoborus
- Chaos
- Chaosforschung
- Chaostheorie
- chaotische Attraktoren
- chaotische Systeme
- chaotrope Verbindungen
- Chaparral
- Chaparral-Timalie
- Chapelle-aux-Saints
- Chaperone
- Chaperonine
- Chaptal, Jean Antoine Claude
- Chaptalisation
- Chara
- Chara-Gesellschaft
- Chara-Wiesen
- Characeae
- Characiaceae
- Characidae
- Characiformes
- Characiochloris
- Characium
- Characoidei
- Charadriidae
- Charadriiformes
- Charadrius
- Charakter
- Charakter-Displacement
- Charakterart
- Charakterartenlehre
- charakteristische Artenkombination
- charakteristische Gruppen
- Charakterkonvergenz
- Charales
- Charax
- Charaxes
- Charcot, Jean Martin
- Charcot-Erb-Krankheit
- Charcot-Leyden-Kristalle
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Syndrom
- Charcot-Zirrhose
- Charetea
- Chargaff, Erwin
- Chargaff-Regeln
- charge-relay-System
- charge-transfer-Komplexe
- Charina
- Charles-Bonnet-Syndrom
- Charmosyna
- Charon-Phagen
- Charon-Vektoren
- Charonia
- Charophyceae
- Charpentieria
- Charsa
- Chartreusin
- Charybdea
- Charybdotoxin
- chasmanthere Blüten
- Chasmogamie
- Chasmophyten
- Chasmosaurus
- Chasselas
- Chatinin
- Chattium
- Chauliodontidae
- Chauliodus
- Chaulmoograöl
- Chaulmugraöl
- Chaulmugrasamenbaum
- Chauna
- Chaunacidae
- Chauvet
- Chavica
- Chavicin
- Chavicol
- Chayote
- Chätoide
- Check-cross
- Chediak-Higashi-Syndrom
- Cheilanthes
- Cheilea
- Cheilocystiden
- Cheilodactylidae
- Cheiloschisis
- Cheilosia
- Cheilostomata
- Cheilymenia
- Cheiracanthium
- Cheiranthus
- Cheiridium
- Cheiridopsis
- Cheiriin
- Cheirodon
- Cheirogaleinae
- Cheirogaleus
- Cheirolepidaceae
- Cheirolepis
- Cheiropterygium
- Cheirosid A
- Cheirotoxin
- Chela
- Chelatbildner
- Chelate
- Chelatharze
- Chelatkomplexe
- Cheleutoptera
- Chelicerata
- Cheliceren
- Chelidae
- Chelidonin
- Chelidonium
- Chelidurella
- Chelifer
- Cheliferidae
- Chellean man
- Chelmon
- Chelodina
- Chelone
- Cheloneti
- Chelonia
- Chelonibia
- Cheloniidae
- Chelonoidis
- Chelophyes
- Chelura
- Cheluridae
- Chelus
- Chelydridae
- Chemiatrie
- Chemie
- Chemikalien
- Chemikaliengesetz
- Chemikalienüberempfindlichkeit
- Chemilumineszenz
- Chemilumineszenz-Assay
- Chemilumineszenzanalyse
- chemiosmotische Hypothese
- chemische Analyse
- chemische Bindung
- chemische Elemente
- chemische Energie
- chemische Evolution
- chemische Formeln
- chemische Gleichung
- chemische Grundstoffe
- chemische Informationsübertragung
- chemische Kampfstoffe
- chemische Kinetik
- chemische Klärung
- chemische Kommunikation
- chemische Konservierung
- chemische Konstitution
- chemische Kopplungshypothese
- chemische Methode der DNA-Sequenzierung
- chemische Oszillationen
- chemische Ökologie
- chemische Reaktion
- chemische Schädlingsbekämpfung
- chemische Sinne
- chemische Symbole
- chemische Thermogenese
- chemische Verbindungen
- chemische Verschiebung
- chemische Waffen
- chemische Zeichen
- chemischer Fingerabdruck
- chemischer Sauerstoffbedarf
- chemisches Chaos
- chemisches Gleichgewicht
- Chemisorption
- Chemoaffinitätshypothese
- Chemoattraktantien
- Chemoautotrophie
- Chemodinese
- Chemoevolution
- Chemofossilien
- Chemogenetik
- Chemoheterotrophie
- Chemokine
- Chemokline
- Chemolithoautotrophie
- Chemolithoheterotrophie
- Chemolithotrophie
- Chemolumineszenz
- Chemomelioration
- Chemomorphosen
- Chemonastie
- Chemoorganoautotrophie
- Chemoorganoheterotrophie
- Chemoorganotrophie
- Chemoregulation
- Chemoresistenz
- Chemorezeptoren
- Chemosensoren
- Chemosorption
- Chemostat
- Chemosterilantien
- Chemosynthese
- chemotactic monokine
- Chemotaxis
- Chemotaxonomie
- Chemotherapeutika
- Chemotherapie
- Chemotrophie
- Chemotropismus
- Chemotypen
- Chemovare
- Chemurgie
- Chenocholsäuren
- Chenodesoxycholsäure
- Chenopodiaceae
- Chenopodietea
- Chenopodio-Oxalidetum fontanae
- Chenopodion fluviatile
- Chenopodium
- Chenopodiumöl
- Cherimoya
- Chermesidae
- Chernetidae
- Chernozem
- Chersina
- Chersophyten
- Chersydrus
- Chevreul, Michel Eugène
- chevron bones
- Cheyletidae
- Cheyletus
- Cheyne, John
- Cheyne-Stokes-Atmung
- Chi-Sequenz
- Chiasma
- Chiasma opticum
- Chiasmainterferenz
- Chiasmatypie
- Chiasmodon
- Chiasmodontidae
- Chiasmotypie
- Chiastoneurie
- chicken muscle growth factor
- chicken myelomonocytic growth factor
- Chicle
- Chicorée
- Chicoréesäure
- Chicoreus
- Chicxulub-Krater
- Chihuahua
- Chikungunya-Virus
- Chilaria
- child ethology
- Chilesalpeter
- Chiletanne
- Chilidialplatten
- Chilidium
- Chilina
- Chilinoidea
- Chilipfeffer
- Chilisalpeter
- Chillies
- Chilodonella
- Chilodus
- Chilognatha
- Chilomastix
- Chilomonas
- Chilonycterinae
- Chilopoda
- Chilopodium
- Chiloscyphus
- Chilostoma
- Chilota
- Chilotilapia
- Chimabacche
- Chimachima
- Chimaera
- Chimaericola
- Chimaeridae
- Chimaeriformes
- Chimango
- Chimaphila
- Chimäre
- chimäre Antikörper
- chimäre DNA
- Chimären
- chimäres Immunsystem
- Chimonanthus
- Chimonobambusa
- Chimylalkohol
- China-Restaurant-Krankheit
- Chinaalkaloide
- Chinabast
- Chinagras
- Chinajute
- Chinakohl
- Chinamensch
- Chinampa
- Chinarinde
- Chinarindenalkaloide
- Chinarindenbaum
- Chinarose
- Chinasäure
- Chinaschilf
- Chinawachs
- Chinawurzel
- Chinazolin
- Chinazolinalkaloide
- Chinchillaratten
- Chinchillas
- Chinchillidae
- Chinese Human Genome Diversity Project
- Chinesenhut
- Chinesische Dattel
- Chinesische Nachtigall
- Chinesische Nessel
- Chinesische Rose
- Chinesische Stachelbeere
- Chinesischer Holunder
- Chinesischer Leberegel
- Chinesischer Mammutbaum
- Chinesischer Sonnenvogel
- Chinesisches Fenster
- Chinesisches Grün
- chinesisches Holzöl
- chinesisches Reispapier
- chinesisches Wachs
- chinesisches Zimtöl
- Chinidin
- Chinin
- Chinolin
- Chinolinalkaloide
- Chinolinfarbstoffe
- Chinolizidin
- Chinolizidinalkaloide
- Chinolone
- Chinon-Hydrochinon-Zyklus
- Chinone
- Chinonfarbstoffe
- Chinoproteine
- Chinoptilolit
- Chiodecton
- Chioglossa
- Chionanthus
- Chionea
- Chionididae
- Chionis
- Chionodoxa
- chionophil
- Chip
- CHIP-Proteine
- Chipmunks
- Chiracanthium
- Chiralität
- Chiratin
- Chirettakraut
- Chiridia
- Chirimoya
- Chirocentridae
- Chirocephalidae
- Chirocephalus
- Chirolophis
- Chiromantis
- Chironectes
- Chironex
- Chironja
- Chironomidae
- Chironomus
- Chironomus-See
- Chiropatagium
- Chiropodomys
- Chiropotes
- Chiropsalmus
- Chiroptera
- Chiropterit
- Chiropterochorie
- Chiropterogamie
- Chiropterophilie
- Chiropterotriton
- Chiropterygium
- Chiroteuthis
- Chirotherium
- Chirotonetes
- Chiru
- Chirurgenfische
- Chitaspis
- Chitin
- Chitin-Synthetase
- Chitinase
- Chitinfasern
- Chitinozoa
- Chitinpanzer
- Chitobiase
- Chitobiose
- Chiton
- Chitosamin
- Chitosan
- Chitosom
- Chitra
- Chlaenius
- Chlamydephorus
- Chlamydera
- Chlamydia
- Chlamydiaceae
- Chlamydiales
- Chlamydiamicrovirus
- Chlamydien
- Chlamydobakterien
- Chlamydomonadaceae
- Chlamydomonadales
- Chlamydomonas
- Chlamydosaurus
- Chlamydoselachoidei
- Chlamydoselachus
- Chlamydospermae
- Chlamydosporen
- Chlamydozoon
- Chlamyopsin
- Chlamyphorus
- Chlamys
- Chlidonias
- Chloebia
- Chloeia
- Chlor
- Chlora
- Chloragog
- Chloragogzellen
- Chloragosom
- Chlorakne
- Chloralhydrat
- Chloralismus
- Chlorambucil
- Chloramphenicol
- Chloramphenicol-Acetyl-Transferase
- Chloramphenicol-Resistenz
- Chloramphenicol-Stimulation
- Chlorangiella
- Chlorangiellaceae
- Chloranthaceae
- Chloranthales
- Chloranthie
- Chlorarachniophyta
- Chlorbenzoxamin
- Chlorchemie
- Chlorcholinchlorid
- Chlorcyan
- Chlordan
- Chlordiazepoxid
- Chlordibenzo-p-dioxine
- Chlordibenzofurane
- Chlorella
- Chlorenchym
- Chloressigsäure
- Chlorethylphosphonsäure
- Chlorfluorkohlenwasserstoffe
- Chlorflurenol
- Chlorhaemidae
- Chlorhormidium
- Chlorid
- Chlorid-Hydrogencarbonat-Austauschprotein
- Chloridella
- Chloridkanäle
- Chloridtransport-stimulierendes Hormon
- Chloridzellen
- chlorieren
- chlorierte Biphenyle
- chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe
- Chlorine
- Chlorinität
- Chloriridovirus
- Chlorkalk
- Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe
- Chlormadinonacetat
- Chlormethan
- Chlormethin
- Chlorobacteriaceae
- Chlorobiaceae
- Chlorobiineae
- Chlorobium
- Chlorobiumvesikel
- Chlorobotrys
- Chlorobutanol
- Chlorochin
- Chlorochromatium
- Chlorochytriaceae
- Chlorochytrium
- Chlorococcaceae
- Chlorococcales
- Chlorococcum
- Chlorocruorin
- Chlorocyten
- Chloroflexaceae
- Chloroflexus
- Chloroform
- Chloroformnarkose
- Chlorogensäure
- Chlorohydra
- Chloromonadina
- Chloromonadophyceae
- Chloromycetin
- Chloronema
- Chlorophis
- Chlorophora
- Chlorophthalmidae
- Chlorophyceae
- Chlorophyllase
- Chlorophylle
- Chlorophyllid a
- Chlorophylline
- Chlorophyllmethode
- Chlorophyllparenchym
- Chlorophyta
- Chlorophytum
- Chloropidae
- Chloroplasten
- Chloroplasten-DNA
- Chloroplastenbewegungen
- Chlorops
- Chloropseudomonas
- Chloroquin
- Chlororespiration
- Chlorose
- Chlorosiphonales
- Chlorosomen
- Chlorosplenium
- Chlorothecium
- Chlorotika-Herbizide
- Chlorovirus
- Chloroxylon
- Chlorphenoxyessigsäuren
- Chlorpromazin
- Chlortetracyclin
- Chlortriazinfarben
- Chlorverbindungen
- Chlorwasserstoff
- Chlorwasserstoffsäure
- CHO-Zellen
- Choanata
- Choanen
- Choanenfische
- Choanephora
- Choanichthyes
- Choanocyten
- Choanoderm
- Choanoflagellaten
- choanomastigot
- Choanophoros
- Choanotaenia
- Choenomeles
- Choeropsis
- Choiromyces
- Choisy
- Choisya
- Cholagoga
- Cholansäure
- Cholecalciferol
- Cholecystokinin
- Choleinsäuren
- Cholekinetika
- Cholelithe
- Cholera
- Cholera-Vibrionen
- Choleratoxin
- Choleretika
- Cholestanol
- Cholesterase
- Cholesterin
- Cholesterin-7alpha-Hydroxylase
- Cholesterin-Acyl-Transferase
- Cholesterin-Ester
- Cholesterin-Esterase
- Cholesterinase
- Cholesterinpigmentkalk
- Cholesterinspeicherkrankheit
- Cholesterinsteine
- Cholesterol
- Cholesterylester-Transfer-Protein
- Cholestyramin
- Choleva
- Cholin
- Cholin-Kinase
- Cholin-Phosphoglyceride
- Cholinacetyl-Transferase
- cholinerg
- cholinerge Fasern
- cholinergic neuronal differentiation factor
- cholinergic nicotinic receptor molecule 3
- Cholinergika
- Cholinesterase
- Cholinesterase-Hemmstoffe
- Cholinesterase-Polymorphismus
- Cholinolytika
- Cholinomimetika
- Cholinphosphat
- Cholodny-Went-Theorie
- Choloepus
- cholophag
- Cholsäure
- Cholyl-Coenzym A
- Cholyl-Coenzym-A-Synthetase
- Chomata
- Chomophyten
- Chondodendron
- chondral
- Chondrichthyes
- Chondrilla
- Chondrilletum
- Chondrin
- Chondrina
- Chondrinidae
- Chondriom
- Chondriosomen
- Chondrites
- Chondroblasten
- Chondrococcus
- Chondrocranium
- Chondrocyten
- Chondrodactylus
- Chondrodystrophie
- chondroides Gewebe
- Chondroitin
- Chondroitinsulfat
- Chondroklasten
- Chondrologie
- Chondrom
- Chondromyces
- Chondrone
- Chondrophor
- Chondrophora
- Chondropomatidae
- Chondropython
- Chondrosamin
- chondrosarcoma growth factor
- Chondrosia
- Chondrosiidae
- Chondrostei
- Chondrostoma
- Chondrula
- Chondrus
- Chone
- Chonetes
- Chonium
- Chonotricha
- Chonotrichia
- Choppers
- Chopping-tools
- Chorda
- Chorda dorsalis
- Chorda tympani
- Chordae tendineae
- Chordagewebe
- Chordamesoderm
- Chordaria
- Chordariales
- Chordariidae
- Chordascheide
- Chordastadium
- Chordata
- Chordaten
- Chordatiere
- Chordeuma
- Chordeumatida
- Chordeumidae
- Chordeumoidea
- Chordodes
- Chordodidae
- Chordodiolus
- Chordopoxviren
- Chordotonalorgane
- Chorea
- Chorea Huntington
- Chorea minor
- Chorea Sydenham
- Choren
- Chorfrösche
- Chorhat-Funde
- Choriata
- chorikarp
- Chorioallantois
- Chorioallantoisplacenta
- Choriogonadotropin
- Chorioidea
- Chorioidgeflecht
- Choriomammotropin
- Choriomeningitis
- Chorion
- Chorionbiopsie
- Choriongonadotropin
- Chorionin
- Chorionmesenchym
- Chorionplatte
- Chorionsomatomammotropin
- Chorionsomatotropin
- Chorionzottenbiopsie
- Choriotop
- Choriozönose
- choripetal
- Choripetalae
- Chorise
- chorisepal
- Chorisia
- Chorismat
- Chorismat-Mutase
- Chorisminsäure
- Chorisminsäure-Mutase
- Chorisminsäure-Synthetase
- Chorismus
- Choristida
- Choristoceras marshi
- Choristodera
- choritepal
- Chorologie
- Choromytilus
- Chorosoma
- Chorthippus
- Chortoicetes
- Choukoutien
- Chousingha
- Chow-Chow
- Christbaumstruktur
- Christdorn
- Christensen
- Christensenia
- Christenseniaceae
- Christiansen-Douglas-Haldane-Effekt
- Christmas-Faktor
- Christophskraut
- Christpalmöl
- Christrose
- Christusdorn
- Chrom
- Chromadora
- Chromadorida
- chromaffin
- Chromatiaceae
- Chromatiden
- Chromatidenaberrationen
- Chromatideninterferenz
- Chromatidenstückaustausch
- Chromatidentetrade
- Chromatidentranslokation
- Chromatin
- chromatin remodelling machines
- Chromatin-loop
- Chromatinaktivierung
- Chromatindiminution
- Chromatinfibrille
- Chromatingerüst
- Chromatinorganisation
- chromatische Aberration
- chromatische Adaptation
- Chromatium
- Chromatofokussierung
- Chromatogramm
- Chromatographie
- Chromatolyse
- Chromatophor-Organe
- Chromatophoren
- Chromatoplasma
- Chromatosom
- Chromene
- Chromis
- Chromista
- chromium release assay
- Chromobacterium
- Chromobindine
- Chromocyten
- Chromodorididae
- Chromodoris
- Chromofibrille
- Chromofilamente
- chromogenes Substrat
- Chromogranine
- Chromomeren
- Chromonema
- chromophil
- chromophob
- Chromophore
- chromophore Gruppen
- Chromophyton
- Chromoplasma
- Chromoplasten
- Chromoproteide
- Chromoproteine
- chromosomal
- chromosomale DNA
- chromosomale Homöologie
- chromosomale in-situ-Suppressionshybridisierung
- chromosomale Integrationsstelle
- chromosome crawling
- chromosome jumping
- chromosome walking
- Chromosomen
- Chromosomenaberrationen
- Chromosomenanomalien
- Chromosomenarme
- Chromosomenbänderungstechnik
- Chromosomenbewegungen
- Chromosomenbivalent
- Chromosomenbrüche
- Chromosomendiagnostik
- Chromosomendiminution
- Chromosomeneinschnürungen
- Chromosomenelimination
- Chromosomenfasern
- Chromosomenfärbung
- Chromosomenformwechsel
- Chromosomenfusion
- Chromosomenindividualität
- Chromosomeninterferenz
- Chromosomenkarte
- Chromosomenkontraktion
- Chromosomenmosaike
- Chromosomenmutationen
- Chromosomenpaarung
- Chromosomenpolymorphismus
- Chromosomensatz
- Chromosomenschleifen
- Chromosomenskelett
- Chromosomenstückaustausch
- Chromosomensynapsis
- Chromosomentheorie der Vererbung
- Chromosomenzahl
- Chromosomogamie
- Chromozentrum
- Chromulina
- Chron
- Chronaxie
- chronisch-lymphatische Leukämie
- chronisch-myeloische Leukämie
- chronische Granulomatose
- chronische Thyreoiditis
- Chronobiologie
- Chronocline
- Chronogramm
- Chronoleptogene
- Chronologie
- chronologische Transformationsstufen
- Chronometrie
- chronometrische Skala
- Chronopathologie
- Chronopharmakologie
- Chronophysiologie
- Chronopsychologie
- Chronospezies
- Chronotherapie
- Chronotoxikologie
- Chronozone
- Chroococcaceae
- chroococcale Cyanobakterien
- Chroococcales
- Chroococcus
- Chroomonas
- Chrosomus
- Chrozophora
- Chrysalide
- Chrysalidocarpus
- Chrysalis
- Chrysamoeba
- Chrysamoebidales
- Chrysantheme
- Chrysanthemin
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysanthemumsäure
- Chrysanthemumtyp
- Chrysaora
- Chrysarobin
- Chrysemys
- Chrysididae
- Chrysidiella
- Chrysin
- Chrysippusfalter
- Chrysiridia
- Chrysis
- Chrysobalanaceae
- Chrysobalanus
- Chrysocapsa
- Chrysocapsales
- Chrysochloa
- Chrysochloridae
- Chrysochloridoidea
- Chrysochloris
- Chrysochloroidea
- Chrysochromulina
- Chrysococcus
- Chrysocyon
- Chrysodendron
- Chrysogaster
- Chrysolaminarin
- Chrysolarix
- Chrysolina
- Chrysolophus
- Chrysomela
- Chrysomelidae
- Chrysomeloidea
- Chrysomonadales
- Chrysomonadea
- Chrysomonadina
- Chrysomyxa
- Chrysomyxaceae
- Chrysopa
- Chrysopelea
- Chrysophanus
- Chrysophyceae
- Chrysophyllum
- Chrysophyta
- Chrysopidae
- Chrysops
- Chrysopyxis
- Chrysose
- Chrysospalax
- Chrysosphaera
- Chrysosphaerales
- Chrysosphaerella
- Chrysosplenium
- Chrysosporium
- Chrysotoxum
- Chrysotrichales
- Chrysozona
- Chthamalidae
- Chthamalus
- Chthonerpeton
- Chthonius
- Chthonobdella
- Chuckwallas
- Chun, Carl
- Chunos
- Chutney
- chv-Gene
- Chvostek, Franz
- Chvostek-Zeichen
- Chydoridae
- Chydoroidea
- Chydorus
- Chylomikronen
- Chylophagie
- Chylus
- Chylusdarm
- Chylusgefäße
- Chymifikation
- Chymochrome
- Chymopapain
- Chymosin
- Chymostatin
- chymotrope Farbstoffe
- Chymotrypsin
- Chymotrypsinogen
- Chymus
- Chytridiales
- Chytridiomycetes
- Chytridiomycota
- Ci
- Cibarialpumpe
- Cibariopecten
- Cibarium
- Cibicides
- Ciboria
- Cibotium
- Cibracon-Blau
- Cicada
- Cicadella
- Cicadetta
- Cicadidae
- Cicadina
- Cicatricula
- Cicatrix
- Cicer
- Cicerbita
- Cichla
- Cichlasoma
- Cichlidae
- Cichoriensäure
- Cichorioideae
- Cichorium
- Cicindela
- Cicindelidae
- Cicinnurus
- Cicinnus
- Ciclophilin
- Ciconia
- Ciconiidae
- Ciconiiformes
- Cicurina
- Cicuta
- Cicutoxin
- Cidaris
- Cidaroida
- Ciguatera
- Ciguatoxin
- Ciidae
- Cilastatin
- Ciliarkörper
- Ciliarmuskulatur
- ciliary neurotrophic factor
- Ciliata
- Cilien
- Cilienlähme-Syndrom
- Ciliophora
- Cimberidae
- Cimbex
- Cimbicidae
- Cimetidin
- Cimex
- Cimicidae
- Cimicifuga
- Cimicomorpha
- Cinara
- Cinchona
- Cinchonaalkaloide
- Cinchonidin
- Cinchonin
- Cincinnus
- Cinclidae
- Cincliden
- Cinclidotaceae
- Cinclus
- Cineol
- Cinerarie
- Cinerine
- Cinerolon
- Cingulum
- Cinnamaldehyd
- Cinnamomum
- Cinnamycin
- Cinnyris
- Cintractia
- Ciona
- Cionellidae
- Cipangopaludina
- Ciprofloxacin
- circaannuale Rhythmik
- circadiane Organisation
- circadiane Regel
- circadiane Rhythmik
- Circaea
- Circaeaster
- Circaetus
- circahemidiane Rhythmik
- circalunare Rhythmik
- circannuale Rhythmik
- circasemilunare Rhythmik
- circaseptemidiane Rhythmik
- circatidale Rhythmik
- circinat
- Circoviren
- Circoviridae
- Circuline
- circulus vitiosus
- Circumnutationen
- circumpolar
- Circumventrikularorgane
- Circus
- Cirolana
- Cirolanidae
- Cironja
- Cirrata
- Cirratulida
- Cirratulidae
- Cirratulus
- Cirren
- Cirrhitidae
- Cirrhus
- Cirripathes
- Cirripedia
- Cirromorpha
- Cirroteuthidae
- Cirroteuthis
- Cirrothauma
- Cirrus
- Cirrus
- Cirsio-Brachypodion
- Cirsium
- Cis
- cis-Aconitat
- cis-Aconitsäure
- cis-aktive Sequenzen
- Cis-Dominanz
- Cis-Effekt
- Cis-Form
- Cis-Heterozygote
- Cis-Heterozygotie
- cis-Spleißen
- Cis-Trans-Dominanz
- Cis-Trans-Effekt
- Cis-Trans-Isomerie
- Cis-Trans-Test
- Cis-Trans-Wirkung
- cis-Vaccensäure
- Cisidae
- Cisplatin
- Cissampelos
- Cissus
- Cistaceae
- Cistales
- Cistelidae
- Cistensänger
- Cisticola
- Cistron
- Cistrose
- Cistrosenartige
- Cistrosengewächse
- Cistus
- Cistusöl
- Citation-Index
- Citellus
- Cithaerias
- Citharexylum
- Citharidae
- Citharinidae
- Citharinus
- Citral
- Citrat-Malat-Shuttle
- Citrate
- citratkondensierendes Enzym
- Citratlyase
- Citratsynthase
- Citratzyklus
- Citrobacter
- Citrofortunella
- Citrogenase
- Citronellal
- Citronellol
- Citronellöl
- Citronenöl
- Citronensäure
- Citronensäurevergärung
- Citronensäurezyklus
- Citrostadienol
- Citrovorumfaktor
- Citrullin
- Citrullinämie
- Citrullus
- Citrus
- Citrusfrüchte
- Citrusöle
- Citryl-Coenzym A
- Cittotaenia
- Civette
- Civettictis
- CK
- CK/GOT-Quotient
- cl
- cl
- Clactonien
- Cladia
- Cladiaceae
- Cladida
- Cladietum marisci
- Cladina
- Cladinose
- Cladium
- Cladocera
- Cladocopina
- Cladocora
- Cladocrinoidea
- Cladodium
- Cladogenese
- Cladogramm
- Cladoidea
- Cladomela
- Cladonema
- Cladonemidae
- Cladonia
- Cladoniaceae
- Cladoniineae
- Cladophora
- Cladophoraceae
- Cladophorales
- Cladophorophyceae
- Cladoselache
- Cladoselachii
- Cladosporinsäure
- Cladosporium
- Cladostephus
- Cladothrix
- Cladoxylales
- Cladoxylon
- Cladrastris
- Cladus
- Clamator
- Clamatores
- Clambidae
- Clambus
- Clanculus
- Clangula
- Clarias
- Clariidae
- Clark-Elektrode
- Clarkesche Säule
- Clarkia
- class-switching
- Classis
- Clasterosporium
- Clathraceae
- Clathria
- Clathriidae
- Clathrin
- Clathrin-assembly-Partikel
- Clathrin-assembly-Protein
- Clathrina
- Clathrinidae
- Clathrulina
- Clathrus
- Clauberg-Test
- Claude, Albert
- Claudius
- Claus, Adolf Karl Ludwig
- Claus, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
- Clausena
- Clausilia
- Clausiliidae
- Clausiliinae
- Clausilioidea
- Clausilium
- Claustrum
- Clava
- Clavagella
- Clavagellidae
- Clavame
- Clavamycine
- Clavaria
- Clavariaceae
- Clavariadelphus
- Clavatella
- Clavatoraceae
- Clavelina
- Claviceps
- Clavicepsalkaloide
- Clavicipitales
- Clavicornia
- Clavicula
- Clavidae
- Claviger
- Clavigeridae
- Clavinalkaloide
- Clavirostridae
- Clavis
- Clavulansäure
- Clavularia
- Clavulina
- Clavulinaceae
- Clavulinopsis
- Clavus
- Clayton
- Claytonia
- ClB-Methode
- CLC-Familie
- Clearance
- clearance rate
- Clearing-House-Mechanism
- Cleistocactus
- Cleistocarpium
- Cleistothecium
- Cleithrum
- Clelandsche Aufzeichnung
- Clelia
- Clematis
- Clementine
- Clemmys
- Clenbuterol
- Cleome
- Clepsine
- Cleptidae
- Clepto...
- Cleridae
- Clerodendron
- Clerodendrum
- Clethra
- Clethraceae
- Clethrionomys
- Cleve, Per Theodor
- Cleveaceae
- Clevner
- Cleyera
- Clianthus
- Clibanarius
- Clidastes
- Climaciaceae
- Climacium
- Climacoceras
- Climacograptus
- Climacteris
- Climacterium
- clinal
- Clinanthium
- Clindamycin
- Clines
- Clinger-Fragmente
- Clinidae
- Clinopodium
- Clio
- Cliona
- Clionasterin
- Clionasterol
- Clione
- Clionidae
- Clioquinol
- Cliothosa
- CLIP-Fragment
- Clipeolus
- Clipeus
- Clitambonites
- Clitellata
- Clitellio
- Clitellum
- Clitocybe
- Clitopilus
- Clitoris
- Clitosaccidae
- Clivia
- Clivie
- Clivina
- Cloaca
- Clobazam
- Clobutinol
- clock
- Cloeon
- Cloesiphon
- Clofedanol
- Clofibrat
- Clomethiazol
- Clonal selection theory
- Clonazepam
- Clone
- Clone-selection-Theorie
- Clonidin
- Clonograptus
- Clonorchiasis
- Clonorchis
- Clonothrix
- Clossiana
- Clostera
- Closterium
- Closteroviren
- Closterovirus-Gruppe
- Clostridiaceae
- Clostridien
- Clostridiencytotoxine
- Clostridienneurotoxine
- Clostridium
- Clostripain
- Clotrimazol
- clotting enzyme
- Cloverit
- Clownfische
- Clozapin
- Clp
- Club of Rome
- Clubiona
- Clubionidae
- Clumberspaniel
- Clunio
- Clupanodonsäure
- Clupea
- Clupeidae
- Clupeiformes
- Clupeoidei
- Clupeonella
- Clupisudis
- Clusia
- Clusiaceae
- Clusius, Carolus
- Cluster
- Clusteranalysen
- clusters of differentiation
- Clymenidae
- Clymenien
- Clypeasteroidea
- Clypeolabrum
- Clypeolus
- Clypeus
- Clysia
- Clythia
- Clythiidae
- Clytra
- Clytus
- cM
- CM-Cellulose
- cm-RNPs
- cmc-Wert
- cMGF
- cMGF
- CMP-N-Acetylneuraminsäure
- Cmr, Cms
- Cnemidocoptes
- Cnemidophorus
- Cneoraceae
- Cneorum
- Cnestis
- Cnethocampidae
- Cnicin
- Cnicus
- Cnidaria
- Cniden
- Cnidion
- Cnidium
- Cnidoblasten
- Cnidocil
- Cnidocyte
- Cnidom
- Cnidosack
- Cnidoscolus
- Cnidosporidia
- Co
- Co
- Co-Carcinogene
- Co-Floreszenzen
- co-sleeping
- co-stimulator
- CoA
- CoA-Transferase
- Coadaptation
- Coaktivator-Hypothese
- Coaktivatoren
- coarctat
- coat protein
- coated pits
- coated vesicles
- coaten
- Coatis
- Coatomer
- Coatonachthodes
- Cobaea
- Cobalamin
- Cobalt
- Cobamid-Coenzyme
- Cobitidae
- Cobitis
- Cobo
- Cobra venom factor
- Cobramine
- Cobratoxin
- cobwebbing
- Cocaalkaloide
- Cocadviroid
- Cocain
- Cocainismus
- Cocarboxylase
- Cocastrauch
- Cocastrauchgewächse
- coccal
- Cocci
- Cocci und Coccibacilli
- Coccibacilli
- Coccidae
- Coccidea
- Coccidia
- Coccidioides
- Coccina
- Coccinella
- Coccinellidae
- Coccinellin
- Coccinellinae
- Coccocarpia
- Coccocarpiaceae
- Coccolithales
- Coccolithen
- Coccolithophorales
- Coccolithophorida
- Coccolithophoridae
- Coccolithus
- Coccoloba
- Coccomyxa
- Coccomyxaceae
- Coccomyxis
- Cocconeis
- Coccosphaera
- Coccostei
- Coccosteus
- Coccothraustes
- Cocculinidae
- Coccus
- Coccyx
- Coccyzus
- Cochaperonin
- Cochenille
- Cochenille-Schildlaus
- Cochlea
- Cochlear-Implantat
- Cochlearia
- Cochleariidae
- Cochleariskern
- Cochlearisnerv
- Cochlearius
- Cochleotopie
- Cochlicella
- Cochlicopa
- Cochlidiidae
- Cochlidion
- Cochliobolus
- Cochliostema
- Cochlodina
- Cochlodininae
- Cochlonema
- Cochlospermaceae
- Cochlospermum
- Cochlostoma
- Cochlostomatidae
- Cochlostyla
- Cochranella
- Cochylidae
- Cochylis
- Cockerspaniel
- Cocktail lytique
- Cocktail-Party-Effekt
- Cocladogenese
- Cocobolo
- coconut cadang-cadang viroid
- Cocos
- Cocytius
- Code
- Code der Nomenklatur
- Code-Triplett
- Code-Wort
- Codehydrase
- Codein
- Codex Alimentarius
- Codiaceae
- Codiaeum
- codierende Sequenz
- codierender Strang
- Codierung
- Codiolaceae
- Codiolales
- Codiolum
- Codium
- codogen
- codominante Allele
- codominante Expression
- Codominanz
- Codon
- Codon-Anticodon-Paarung
- Codon-Bevorzugung
- Codon-Optimierung
- Codoniaceae
- Codonomonas
- Codonopsis
- Coecotrophie
- Coecum
- Coelacanthiformes
- Coelastrum
- Coelenterata
- Coelenteratentoxine
- Coeligena
- Coelioxys
- Coeloblast
- Coeloblastula
- Coelocheta
- coelodont
- Coelodonta
- Coeloglossum
- Coelogyne
- Coelogynopora
- Coelolepida
- Coelolepis
- Coelom
- Coelomata
- coelomatische Filter
- Coelomflüssigkeit
- Coelomocyten
- Coelomodukt
- Coelomomyces
- Coelomopora
- Coelomoporen
- Coelomsäcke
- Coelomtheorien
- Coelomyceten
- Coelopa
- Coelophysis
- Coelopidae
- Coeloplana
- Coelotes
- Coelothel
- Coelurosauravus
- Coelurosauria
- Coenagrion
- Coenagrionidae
- Coendou
- Coenenchym
- Coenobionten
- Coenobita
- Coenobitidae
- Coenobium
- Coenoblast
- coenoblastische Organisationsstufe
- Coenocara
- Coenocyte
- coenocytische Pilze
- Coenoelemente
- Coenogonium
- coenokarp
- Coenomyia
- Coenonympha
- Coenophile
- Coenopteridales
- Coenorhinus
- Coenosark
- Coenosorus
- Coenospezies
- Coenosteum
- Coenothyris
- Coenozygote
- Coenurosis
- Coenurus
- Coenzym
- Coenzym A
- Coenzym B12
- Coenzym M
- Coenzym Q
- Coenzym Q10
- Coenzyme
- Coerebidae
- Coergismus
- Coeruloplasmin
- Coevolution
- Coexistenz
- Cofaktor-Regenerierung
- Cofaktoren
- Coferment
- Coffea
- Coffein
- Cofilin
- cognate interaction
- Cognettia
- cognomen gentilitium
- Cohen, Stanley
- Cohn, Ferdinand Julius
- Cohn-Fraktionierung
- Cohnheim, Julius
- Cohors
- cohort
- Cohunepalme
- coiled coils
- Coimmobilisierung
- Cointegrat
- cointegratives Vektorsystem
- Coir
- coisogenic strains
- Coitus
- Coitus interruptus
- Coix
- Coixine
- Col-Faktor
- Cola
- Colabaum
- Colacium
- Colamin
- Colamin-Kephaline
- Colanin
- Colanuß
- Colchicaceae
- Colchicin
- Colchicosid
- Colchicum
- Colchicumalkaloide
- cold insoluble globin
- Coleochaetaceae
- Coleochaetales
- Coleochaete
- Coleoidea
- Coleonyx
- Coleophora
- Coleophoridae
- Coleoptera
- Coleoptericin
- Coleopteroidea
- Coleoptile
- Coleorrhiza
- Coleosporiaceae
- Coleosporium
- Coleps
- Coleus
- Coleviroid
- Coli
- Coli-Aerogenes-Gruppe
- Coli-Bakterium
- Coli-Phagen
- Colias
- Colibri
- Colicine
- colicinogene Faktoren
- Coliforme
- coliforme Bakterien
- Coliidae
- Coliiformes
- Colikeimzahl
- Colimastitis
- Colinearität
- Colinus
- Colisa
- Colisakrankheit
- Colistin
- Colitis
- Colitis ulcerosa
- Colititer
- Colius
- Collagen
- Collapsin
- Collare
- Collectine
- Collectio formarum
- collectors
- Collema
- Collemataceae
- Collembola
- Colletes
- Colletidae
- Colletotrichum
- Colliculi
- Collie
- Collinsia
- Colloblasten
- Collocalia
- Collophor
- Collotheca
- Collothecacea
- Collozoum
- Collum
- Collum dentis
- Collybia
- Collyriclum
- Colobathristidae
- Colobidae
- Colobocentrotus
- Colobognatha
- Colobus
- Colocasia
- Colocynthin
- Cololejeunea
- Colombo
- Colon
- Coloniales
- Colonkarzinom
- Colonna
- Colonpolyposis
- colony forming cell
- colony forming unit
- colony forming unit spleen
- colony forming unit stimulating activity
- colony hybridization
- colony screening
- colony stimulating activity
- colony stimulating factor
- Colorado-Zeckenfieber-Virus
- Coloradokäfer
- Colossochelys
- Colossoma
- Colostethus
- Colpidium
- Colpoda
- Colpodea
- Colpoglossus
- Colpoxylon
- Coltivirus
- Colton
- Coluber
- Colubraria
- Colubrariidae
- Colubridae
- Colubrinae
- Colulus
- Columba
- Columbariidae
- Columbarium
- Columbea
- Columbella
- Columbellidae
- Columbia SK-Virus
- Columbidae
- Columbiformes
- Columella
- Columellarmuskel
- Columna
- Columna
- Columnale
- Columnalia
- Columnea
- Columniferae
- Colura
- Colutea
- Colydiidae
- Colydium
- Colymbetes
- Colymbetin
- Colza
- CoM
- Coma diabeticum
- Comanthina
- Comarum
- Comasteridae
- Comatricha
- Comatulida
- Combe Capelle
- Combretaceae
- Combretum
- Comephoridae
- Cometabolismus
- Commelin
- Commelin
- Commelina
- Commelina yellow mottle virus
- Commelinaceae
- Commelinales
- Commelinengewächse
- Commelinidae
- Commiphora
- Commiphorsäure
- commissureless
- committed steps
- common name
- Comopithecus
- Comoviren
- Comoviridae
- Comovirus
- Compacta
- Compactin
- Comparium
- compartment for peptide loading
- compartment of uncoupling of receptor and ligand
- competitive release
- Competitor-Nucleinsäuren
- Compliance
- Compositae
- composite transport model
- Compound A
- Compound Heterozygoter
- Compsilura
- Compsognathus
- Compton
- Comptonia
- Computer
- Computersimulation
- Computertomographie
- COMT-Hemmer
- ConA
- Conalbumin
- Concanavalin A
- Concatemer
- Concatenat
- Concentricycloidea
- Conceptaculum
- Conceptio
- Concha
- Conchifera
- Conchin
- Conchiolin
- Conchocelis
- Conchoderma
- Conchodus
- Conchoecetes
- Conchoecia
- Concholepas
- Conchologie
- Conchorhagae
- Conchorhynchus
- Conchospirale
- Conchostraca
- Conchylien
- Conchyliologie
- concomitant immunity
- Concorde-Fehler
- Concrètes
- condensing enzyme
- conditioned medium
- Condylactis
- Condylarthra
- Condylocardiidae
- Condylomata acuminata
- Condylura
- Condylurinae
- Condylus
- Condylus occipitalis
- Conellen
- Conepatus
- conf.
- Confuciusornis
- Congelatio
- congenic strains
- Conger
- Congeria
- Congiopodidae
- Congridae
- Conhydrin
- Coniacium
- Coniconchia
- Conidae
- Conidien
- Conidiobolus
- Conidiomata
- Conidiophore
- Coniferae
- Coniferenzapfen
- Coniferin
- Coniferophytina
- Coniferylaldehyd
- Coniferylalkohol
- Coniin
- Coniocybaceae
- coniokarpe Flechten
- Coniophora
- Coniophoraceae
- Coniophorella
- Coniopteris
- Coniopterygidae
- Coniosporium
- Coniothyrium
- Conirostridae
- Conium
- Coniumalkaloide
- Conjugales
- Conjugatae
- Conjugatophyceae
- Conjunctiva
- Conn
- Conn-Syndrom
- Connaraceae
- Connaropsis
- Connarus
- connecting links
- connective tissue-activating protein
- Connexine
- Connexivum
- Connexon
- Connochaetes
- Conocarpus
- Conocephalaceae
- Conocephalidae
- Conocephalum
- Conocephalus
- Conochilidae
- Conochilus
- Conoclypeus
- Conocybe
- Conocyema
- Conocyemidae
- Conodonta
- Conodonten
- Conodontochordata
- Conodontophorida
- Conoid
- Conolophus
- Cononotidae
- Conopeum
- Conophytum
- Conopidae
- Conopistha
- Conopophagidae
- Conops
- Conorhynchen
- Conothek
- Conotoxine
- Conraua
- Consensus-Sequenz
- Consolicin
- Consolida
- Consolidin
- Consortium
- Conspezies
- conspezifisch
- Constellaria
- constraints
- Constrictor
- Contagium
- Contarinia
- Contergan
- contest competition
- contig
- Continua
- Contortae
- contour-clamped homogenous electric field
- Contracaecum
- Contravirus
- controlling elements
- Conularien
- Conulata
- Conus
- Conus-Geld
- Conuspeptide
- conv.
- Convallagenin
- Convallaria
- Convallariaceae
- Convallariaglykoside
- Convallasaponin
- Convallatoxin
- Convallatoxol
- Convallatoxolosid
- Convallosid
- convar.
- Convarietät
- Converting Enzyme
- convolut
- Convoluta
- Convolvulaceae
- Convolvuletalia sepium
- Convolvulin
- Convolvulus
- Conwentzia
- Conyza
- Cooksonia
- Coomassie-Brillantblau
- Coombs
- Coombs-Test
- Coombs-und-Gell-Klassifizierung
- Cooxidation
- Copaifera
- Cope, Edward Drinker
- Cope-Osbornsche Theorie
- Copelata
- Copella
- Copeognatha
- Copepoda
- Copernicia
- Copesche Regel
- Copesches Gesetz
- Cophixalus
- Cophotis
- Cophylinae
- copia-Elemente
- Coping
- Copolymere
- Coppinien
- Coprinaceae
- Coprinus
- Copris
- Copro
- Coprobia
- Coprogen
- Copromorphoidea
- Coprophaga
- coprophil
- Coproporphyrine
- Coprosma
- Copsychus
- Coptis
- Coptosoma
- Coptotermes
- Copula
- Copulae
- copulatory courtship
- Copuline
- copy-DNA
- CoQ
- Coqui
- Cor
- Cora
- Coracias
- Coracidium
- Coraciidae
- Coraciiformes
- Coracinidae
- Coracodichus
- Coracoid
- Coragyps
- coral bleaching
- Corallimorpha
- Corallimorpharia
- Corallina
- Corallinaceae
- Corallinenböden
- Coralliophaga
- Coralliophila
- Coralliophilidae
- Corallit
- Corallium
- Corallococcus
- Corallomyxa
- Corallorhiza
- Corallum
- Corallus
- Corbicula
- Corbiculidae
- Corbula
- Corbulidae
- Corchorus
- Corcyra
- Corda
- Cordaianthus-Bautyp
- Cordaiten
- Cordaitidae
- Cordia
- Cordicepin
- Cordulegaster
- Cordulegasteridae
- Cordulia
- Corduliidae
- Cordus, Euricius
- Cordycepin
- Cordycepintriphosphat
- Cordyceps
- Cordylidae
- Cordylinae
- Cordyline
- Cordylobia
- Cordylophora
- Cordylosaurus
- Cordyluridae
- Cordylus
- Core
- core particle
- Core-DNA
- Core-Proteine
- Coregonus
- Coreidae
- Corema
- Coreopsis
- Corepressor
- Corethron
- Coreus
- Corey, Elias James
- Corezeptoren
- Cori, Carl Ferdinand
- Cori, Gerty Theresa
- Cori-Ester
- Cori-Krankheit
- Cori-Zyklus
- Coriandrum
- Coriaria
- Coriariaceae
- Coriariales
- Coriolus
- Coris
- Coriscium
- Corium
- Corixa
- Corixidae
- Corizidae
- Corizus
- Cormack, Allen MacLeod
- Cormidium
- Cormobionta
- Cormopoda
- corn
- corn belt
- corn-bollworm
- Cornaceae
- Cornales
- Cornaptychus
- Cornea
- cornea pocket assay
- corneagene Zellen
- Cornealinse
- Cornflakes
- Cornforth, Sir John Warcup
- Cornicularia
- Corniculi
- Cornin
- Cornu ammonis
- Cornularia
- Cornulariidae
- Cornulites
- Cornus
- Cornuta
- Cornuti
- Corolla
- Corolle
- corollinisch
- Corona
- Corona radiata
- Coronadena
- Coronalleiste
- Coronalnaht
- Coronastrum
- coronat
- Coronata
- Coronaviren
- Coronaviridae
- Coronavirus
- Coronella
- Coronilla
- Coronillo-Pinetum
- Coronin
- Coronoid
- Coronoidea
- Coronophoraceae
- Coronophorales
- Coronopus
- Corophiidae
- Corophium
- Corpora allata
- Corpora cardiaca
- Corpora mamillaria
- Corpora pedunculata
- Corpora quadrigemina
- Corpora-allata-Hormon
- Corpora-cardiaca-stimulierender Faktor
- Corpotentorium
- Corpus
- Corpus adiposum
- Corpus albicans
- Corpus amygdale
- Corpus amygdaloideum
- Corpus callosum
- Corpus cavernosum
- Corpus centrale
- Corpus cerebelli
- Corpus ciliare
- Corpus geniculatum laterale
- Corpus geniculatum mediale
- Corpus luteum
- Corpus mamillare
- Corpus olivarium
- Corpus pineale
- Corpus spongiosum
- Corpus striatum
- Corpus suprarenale
- Corpus uteri
- Corpus ventrale
- Corpus vitreum
- Corpus-luteum-Hormone
- Corpuscula renis
- Correa
- Correns, Carl Erich
- Correns, Carl Wilhelm
- Corrinoide
- Corrinring
- Corrodentia
- Corsiniaceae
- Cortaderia
- Cortex
- Cortex-Rotation
- Cortexillin
- Cortexon
- Corti, Alfonso Giacomo Gaspare Marche
- cortical
- Corticalis
- Corticalreaktion
- Corticaria
- Corticiaceae
- Corticium
- Corticoide
- Corticoliberin
- Corticosteroide
- Corticosteron
- corticotrop
- Corticotropin
- Corticotropin-releasing-Hormon
- Corticoviren
- Corticoviridae
- Cortin
- Cortina
- Cortinariaceae
- Cortinarine
- Cortinarius
- Cortisches Organ
- Cortisol
- Cortison
- Cortusa
- Cortusi
- Corucia
- Corvidae
- Corvina
- Corvisart des Marest, Jean Nicolas
- Corvus
- Coryanthes
- Corycium
- Corydali-Aceretum
- Corydalidae
- Corydalis
- Corydoras
- Corylophidae
- Corylopsis
- Corylus
- Corymbus
- Corymorpha
- Corynactis
- Corynanthein
- Coryne
- Corynebacteriaceae
- Corynebacterium
- coryneforme Bakterien
- Coryneliaceae
- Coryneliales
- Corynephoretalia
- Corynephorion
- Corynephorus
- Corynetidae
- Corynetinae
- Corynetoxine
- Coryneum
- Corynexochorida
- Corynidae
- Corynin
- Corynocarpaceae
- Corynocarpus
- Corynopoma
- Corypha
- Coryphaena
- Coryphaenidae
- Coryphaenoides
- Coryphella
- Coryphellidae
- Corystes
- Corystidae
- Corystospermales
- Corythomantis
- Corythosaurus
- Corytophanes
- Coryzaviren
- Cos-Enden
- cos-site
- Cos-Zellen
- Coscinasterias
- Coscinia
- Coscinodiscaceae
- Coscinodiscus
- Cosegregation
- Cosinusgesetz
- Cosmarium
- Cosmea
- Cosmetus
- Cosmia
- Cosmid-contig
- Cosmide
- Cosmin
- Cosmoceras
- Cosmoceratidae
- Cosmocerca
- Cosmocercoidea
- Cosmoidschuppen
- Cosmos
- Cospeziation
- Cosquer
- Cossidae
- Cossus
- Costa
- Costalader
- Costalatmung
- Costalfeld
- Costalia
- Costalplatten
- costat
- Costello-Dent-Syndrom
- Costia
- Costimulation
- Costus
- Costuswurzelöl
- Cosubstrat
- Cot-Diagramm
- Cot-Wert
- Cotenside
- Cothurnocystis
- Cotingidae
- Cotinus
- Coto (de) Doñana
- Cotoneaster
- Cotoneastro-Amelanchieretum
- Cotransduktion
- Cotransfektion
- Cotransformation
- cotranslational
- Cotransport
- Cotrimoxazol
- Cotta, Johann Heinrich
- Cottidae
- Cottoidei
- Cotton-Effekt
- Cottonöl
- cottontail rabbit papillomavirus
- Cottus
- Cotugno, Domenico
- Cotunnius-Syndrom
- Coturnix
- Cotylaspis
- Cotyledon
- Cotyledonen
- Cotylogasteroides
- Cotylorhiza
- Cotylosaurier